Chapter 1-9: The House Cup

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"Draco would you quit putting gel in your hair and come down. We're going to be late to the feast." Desiree yelled from the bottom of the stairs in the common room.

"I'm coming," Draco yelled with attitude. "And don't talk about the gel, I have to look good when we rub it in the Gryffindor's faces that we won the house cup," he said as he walked down the stairs.

Desiree rolled her eyes. "Just come on would you," she said as she grabbed Pansy's arm and began to walk through the common room as Draco followed them.

As Desiree sat down next to Pansy and across from Draco, she saw Cedric sitting at the Hufflepuff table. She waved and gave a simple smile. He did the same.

"Okay, what was that?" Pansy said turning to Desiree.

"What can I not wave at a friend?" Desiree said half smiling.

"What are you two talking about?" Draco said as he turned to look at the boy Desiree had just waved at.

"Desiree you've only talked to him like once," Pansy said still looking at Desiree.

"I've talked to him more than two just don't know about it. He's actually quite funny." Desiree said taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

"How many times?" Pansy asked doubtingly to Desiree.

"Two," Desiree said with a slight grin on her face.

The three looked at each other and let out laughs at the same time.

"May I have your attention please" Dumbledore yelled, "After recent events, I believe some last-minute points are in order. First--to Mr. Ronald Weasley for the best-played game of wizard's chess Hogwarts has seen, fifty points. Second--to Ms. Hermione Granger for her cool use of logic in the face of fire, fifty points. Third--to Mr. Harry Potter for outstanding courage, sixty points."

Desiree whispered to Draco and Pansy "Gryffindor's tied with us."

"And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but just as much to stand up to your friends. Therefore I award Neville Longbottom ten points."

The faces of the Gryffindor table began to light up, realizing they had just one the house cup.

"Assuming my calculations are correct, I believe a change of decoration is in order," Dumbledore said as he changed the Slytherin decorations to Gryffindor ones.

"That's rubbish," Draco said slamming down his hat on the table.

"Oh give it a rest we have six more years," Desiree said as she clapped for Gryffindor.

* * *

"So what are you guys doing for the summer?" Desiree said as she sat with Draco and Pansy on the Hogwarts Express back home.

"I'm not sure, hopefully, it's something exciting though," Pansy said turning from the window.

"My family will probably through a couple of parties. It's something they tend to do a lot, with the higher class." Draco gave his little smirk.

"What about you Desiree?" Pansy asked after Draco answered.

"My family may travel. I'm not sure though." Desiree said making a face that made it clear she was thinking.

"Well, you both will most likely be invited to at least one of my family's parties," Draco said looking to Pansy then to Desiree.

"Right well either way can we all agree to write to each other?" Desiree asked looking to Pansy then to Draco.

"I won't forget I promise," said Pansy.

"What about you Draco?" Desiree and Pansy asked.

"I'll try I suppose," Draco said as he moved his hand that was holding his chin.

The rest of the ride the group of three talked for what could be the rest of the summer for all they knew. The Hogwarts Express pulled into Platform 9 3/4 and finally came to a halt. The flood of students exited the train.

Desiree found her parents easily and hugged them for the first time in months.

"Oh, Y/n we've missed you." Her mother said as she stood back up.

"Are you ready to go?" Her father asked as he opened his arm towards the exit.

Desiree looked back to find the pale blonde boy standing with his family. "Yeah, just give me one-second father." She said before she ran to Draco.

"Draco!" Desiree said trying to get his attention.

"Yes, Desiree?" He said with a curious look on his face.

"Don't forget to write this summer.." She said with a slight smile, the same smile she had given Cedric the night before.

Desiree then waved goodbye to Draco one last time and gave his father, Lucius, a nod. She proceeded to walk out of the station with her parents, happy.

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