Chapter 6-1: Rocky Relationships

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The first month of summer was both the fastest and slowest month for Desiree. She spent her leisure time reading or writing letters to Draco. They had been apart while Draco was traveling with his family. Today, however, Draco would be coming to stay at the Alcyone Estate for a week. Surprisingly enough, it was Desiree's parent's idea for him to stay a week. Desiree loved the idea nonetheless.

Desiree woke up with excitement pulsing through her veins. This would be the first time she was able to see Draco since they said goodbye to each other at Kings Cross Station. She sprung out of her bed, quickly brushed her teeth, and did her skincare routine before quickly walking to the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning darling," Mrs. Alcyone smiled whilst taking a sip of her morning tea.

"Morning mum, anything good for breakfast this morning?" asked Desiree, sitting down at the kitchen island.

"I made muffins with what's left of the blueberries. Pixie went to go get more food for this week," said Mrs. Alcyone, pouring a cup of tea for her daughter, and handing her a muffin.

"Thanks, mum," she grinned. She bit into the muffin her mother handed her and was immediately met with the sweet taste of their own blueberries from their garden and cinnamon. This was one of the special add-ins that made Mrs. Alcyone's blueberry muffins Desiree's favorite.

"So, are you ready for Draco to get here today?" asked Mrs. Alcyone, placing her mug on the countertop.

"I can't wait. I mean, it's been almost a month since I've seen him," said Desiree. A grin slowly began to creep onto her face.

"You really fancy him, don't you?"

Desiree could feel her cheeks grow warm as she thought of her answer. The warmth she felt in her body when she was around Draco began to spread in her body with just the thought of him. God, had she really fallen this deep?

"Yeah, yeah I do," she blushed, taking a sip of her tea in hopes of covering up her pink cheeks.

"He seems like a good one," said Mrs. Alcyone, grinning down at her daughter.

The two then heard a knock coming from the front door. Desiree felt her heart skip a beat.

"Ayla, Desiree, the Malfoy's are here," Mr. Alcyone called from the foyer.

A smile grew on her face as she looked at the door then back at her mother. Mrs. Alcyone gave her a short nod and a grin. Desiree quickly stood from the stool she had been sitting on and ran towards the door.

There he was, Draco Malfoy, standing at the entrance of Desiree's home in an all-black suit. It was much more formal than his typical outfit. He stood quietly talking to Desiree's father as she ran up.

"Draco!" she said excitedly, throwing her arms around him.

"Well hello to you too," he chuckled, wrapping his arms around her in return.

Desiree's smile intensified as she gazed into his grey eyes for the first time in what felt like ages. Her gaze then moved to the person standing just to the side of Draco. "Narcissa it's so lovely to see you again."

"I could say the same for you darling," Narcissa kindly smiled as she gently pulled Desiree into a hug. This oddly made some of Desiree's worries fade. All summer she had worried that Draco's parents would no longer like her after the incident at the Ministry. While that didn't seem like the case with Narcissa, Lucius had yet to show up. "Now, I should be getting back to the Manor. I've got quite a bit to do. Draco, don't forget that I put some extra money in your bag in case you two want to go somewhere."

"I know mum," he grinned. "I'll be sure to grab it if we do."

"Ayla, Perseus, thank you for allowing Draco to stay with you," Narcissa nodded to each of them.

"Oh, it's our pleasure. Desiree enjoys his visits," Mr. Alcyone grinned.

"As does Draco," Narcissa grinned toward her son. This caused Desiree to smile at the mention of Draco enjoying her company. "Now, I really need to go. I'll see you on Saturday, Draco."

"Bye mum," Draco waved to his mother as she turned to walk out of the Estate. Desiree and her mother gave a kind wave to Narcissa before she disapparated just beyond the threshold.

"Alright," Mr. Alcyone clapped his hands together. "I have to get to work. But, I will be back in time for dinner."

"I'll see you when you get home darling," Mrs. Alcyone gave her husband a quick peck before he disapparated.

"You don't have to work today mum?" asked Desiree. It was strange for her mother not to be at work.

"Oh no, they practically forced me to take the day off because I have so many vacation days built up. Which is quite surprising to me with the amount of traveling your father and I do."

"Oh, alright, well I'm going to show Draco his room," said Desiree, grabbing hold of Draco's hand and dragging him upstairs. She took him all the way to the end of the corridor, to the room just across from her own. "You've got an upgrade since your last visit," she grinned, pushing open the large french doors.

Inside was a large suite, much like her own room. Only this room had hints of deep, navy blue, unlike her room that had hints of white and green. The room had a large, king-size, bed against the furthest wall, with a bedside table on each side. To the right of the bed laid two doors. One led to a walk-in closet. The other led to the suite's bathroom. It had a large marble shower, with a marble tub to its side. The sinks were made of matching marble and sat under a large mirror.

"Talk about an upgrade," Draco grinned, looking around at the room almost in awe. "Why don't you ever use this room? I mean, it has a balcony that looks over the garden and everything."

"I just like the natural light of my room. And the bathroom, specifically the shower is a bit nicer in my bathroom," she shrugged.

"Fair enough. But I guess I'll have to test out the showers to see which is better," he grinned, his hands slowly wrapping around Desiree's waist. His cold rings sent shivers down her spine.

"Unbelievable, you've been here for all of ten minutes and you're already trying to make a move on me," she giggled, her arms wrapping around his neck.

"Is that such a bad thing?" he raised his eyebrow enticingly. He slowly connected his lips to hers. The feeling of their lips moving in synchronized motions was a feeling Desiree had missed in their time apart. His lips slowly left hers and traveled down to her jawline and her neck. She let out a small whimper as his lips touched just below her ear. She could feel herself falling deeper into his touch, almost completely captivated, until she slowly snapped back into focus.

"Draco, we can't do this right now," she bit her lip, trying to fight back another whimper.

"Why not?" he mumbled into her neck.

"My mother is home and you've only just got here," said Desiree, her hand slowly pulling at his hair.

"Oh alright. I suppose you're right," he pulled his lips off of her neck. "What is it?" he asked, noticing the grin forming on her face.

"Nothing, just glad you're here is all," she smiled. "Now, come on, we have to plan our week," she giggled, taking his hand and pulling him back downstairs.

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