Chapter 5-2: Books & Gardens

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Over the course of the next two days Desiree had felt happier than she had in months. It didn't make her forget about Cedric. It just made it easier for her to manage. Easier for her to go on. Desiree and Draco had spent the days doing anything that came to mind really.

"I can't believe you're already leaving tomorrow," said Desiree to Draco as the two began walking in the large garden on the Alcyone Estate.

"At least I was able to spend anytime here," he grinned. "Pansy and Blaise really missed out."

"They did didn't they?" she grinned.

"It's a shame they couldn't come but I think it made it all the better. I mean you've managed to smile in the past two days. That's something I haven't seen you do in months," said Draco.

"Well I've been getting better lately. The nightmares still happen occasionally but it's nothing I can't handle. Everyday I just remember to continue on for him. That's what he would have wanted. But I have to admit these past two days have been easier than most. It's easier when I'm around you. I think it's because you were always there during my darkest of times," she grinned as she looked into his cool grey eyes. "Oh look we're here," she opened her arms to a small building towards the back of the garden.

"What exactly am I looking at?" he chuckled.

"Don't be mean," she hit his arm as she laughed. "It's supposed to be the guest house but we never really have visitors and when we do they stay in one of our guest bedrooms in the house. And since we really had no use for the guest house it was converted into a small hang out spot for me. I usually like to read in here but sometimes I'll spend the night in it just because I don't feel like staying in my room."

"Well what are you waiting for? Show me," he grinned.

"Okay," she smiled as she walked towards the door. As they entered Desiree could see Draco looking around in amazement at the room. The guest house consisted of three rooms; the main living area and kitchen, the bedroom, and the bathroom. The living area was decorated with many different fabrics from around the world draped from the ceiling along with strings of lights. The kitchen was various shades of sage green and white. The bedroom was decorated much like the kitchen with a sage green comforter laying neatly on the bed.

"You did all of this yourself?" asked Draco in amazement.

"All of this was done with the help of my Aunt Aurora. She and I spent the entire summer working on this place when I was five. If you think my parents are wild spirits you would be shocked with Aurora," Desiree smiled looking to the different fabrics on the ceiling.

"Are these all from her travels?" asked Draco matching Desiree's gaze at the ceiling.

"I believe there may be a few that are from my parents but yeah, for the most part it's all hers," said Desiree.

"Is this her?" Draco grabbed a small picture frame from the bookshelf against one of the walls.

"Yeah," Desiree smiled. "That's actually from the day we finished this." They both looked at the picture showed young Desiree laughing along with Aurora while hanging onto her back.

"You know, based on what you've told me about her I think you're more like her than you think," Draco placed the picture back on the shelf.

"I strive to be like her the older I get. She always knew how to put a smile on your face," she grinned remembering her late aunt. "You know this place looks a lot cooler at night when the string lights are lit," Desiree looked above her again.

"Well then I insist you bring me back here at night," Draco chuckled.

"Deal. But," she paused. "You have to do something with me."

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