Chapter 4-11: The Yule Ball

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"Desiree are you sure you're alright with me wearing this dress?" Pansy called from behind the wardrobe.

"Pansy if you don't wear it then no one will," Desiree turned away from the mirror.

"I wanted to make sure before I completely fall in love with this dress and you change your mind at the last minute," Pansy moved into Desiree's view. The dress fit Pansy much better than the silver one she was going to wear.

"Pansy you look gorgeous," Desiree smiled.

"Thanks Desiree," she smiled. "Oh I'm late to meeting Blaise I've got to run. I'll see you later. Oh and you better hurry the ball starts in half an hour."

"Pansy wait!" she called out.

"Yes?" Pansy peered back into their room.

"I need your help zipping my dress up," Desiree turned. She felt the zipper quickly move up her back.

"There," Pansy smiled, "Now don't be late. You're supposed to do that special entrance with Cedric."

"I won't. I just have to fix a few pieces of my hair and I'll walk down. Now go before Blaise thinks you abandoned him," Desiree pointed to the door.

"Oh right. I'll see you in a bit," Pansy rushed out of the room.

Desiree giggled as Pansy left the room before she turned back to the mirror. She stood examining herself, making sure everything looked as she wanted it to. She wore the emerald ball gown with silver heels underneath. Her makeup was done lightly to enhance her natural beauty. Her dark brown hair laid loosely curled against her back. She knew they only thing that would have made this any better was the necklace her parents had given her four and a half years before. Nonetheless she began walking down to the common room. As she descended the stairs from the girls dormitories she saw a familiar blonde boy sitting on one of the couches.

"Draco? What are you still doing in here?" she asked.

"I was just waiting until it got closer to the ball to go down there. The less time I have to spend around all of those people the better," Draco stood up from the couch. As he stood it was clear his eyes never moved off of Desiree.

"Ah you always were a people person," she laughed as they walked closer to each other. "You should come down. You can even walk down there with me."

"It's alright I'll give it a few more minutes," he paused. "Oh but before you go I want to give you something," he handed her a small box.

"What's this?" she began removing the ribbon that wrapped around the box.

"It's your Christmas present," he let out a slight smirk as he looked from Desiree to the box then back to Desiree. Desiree opened the small box to reveal a silver necklace with an emerald jewel. It looked like an exact replica of the one she was given to by her parents.

"I know it's the original and it doesn't hold the same value but-" Draco was cut off.

"Thank you," Desiree hugged him.

"I knew how much that necklace meant to you," Draco said as a smile spread on Desiree's face. "Here let me help you put it on."

Desiree handed the necklace to him before she turned around. As she held her hair out of the way she felt Draco's cold hands slowly caress the back of her neck as he clasped the necklace. It sent shivers down her spine

"There," said Draco. As Desiree turned to face him they both gazed into each other's eyes. "I see you went with the green dress," said Draco still holding eye contact.

"Someone once told me it went with my eyes," she smiled, looking into his cool grey eyes. After another moment's silence Desiree finally spoke, "I really should be heading down stairs."

"Yeah, I wouldn't want you to be late for the champions grand entrance," said Draco. Just as Desiree was about to walk out of the common room Draco said something else, "Ally."

"Yes Draco?" she slightly turned to face him.

"You look beautiful," he smiled.

Desiree felt a flutter of warmth inside of her, "Thanks ferret boy," she giggled before walking out of the common room.

As Desiree made her way to the top of the grand staircase she stopped just before she could be seen at the top. She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves before she began to walk down. With every step she took more eyes fell on her. Cedric stood at the bottom with the biggest smile she had ever seen on his face. As she saw him she couldn't help but smile.

"Wow," Cedric paused as he grabbed hold of her hand, "you look stunning."

Desiree felt herself blush, "You look quite handsome yourself."

"Oh, I've got you something," he smiled as he grabbed a small box from the pocket of his dress robes. "I know Christmas is tomorrow but I thought you might want this for tonight."

"You didn't have to get me anything," she smiled as she took the box in her hand.

"Just open it," he smiled.

Desiree opened the small box to reveal a delicate diamond bracelet. "Cedric, it's beautiful."

"It was my mother's. She wanted you to have it," he smiled again as she gazed into her bright green eyes.

"It's gorgeous," she smiled as he clasped the bracelet on her wrist.

"Now, I need you all to line up in the procession, please. Oh, you are very late," McGonagall said to Krum as he walked over to the group of champions.

All four champions formed a line and got ready for their grand entrance into the hall. Desiree and Cedric were in between Victor with Hermione and Harry with Padma Patil.

"Ready?" Cedric whispered in her ear.

"Ready as I'll ever be," she smiled.

It was then that the doors to the Great Hall swung open allowing clearance of the champions. As they walked in they were greeted by the applause of the students and music playing from the band. Desiree looked around in awe of how much the Great Hall had changed just for tonight. After the all of the champions made their way onto the dance floor Cedric gently placed his hand on Desiree's waist, waiting for the commencement of the music. As they danced Desiree and Cedric gazed into each other's eyes and smiled. No one could deny that the two of them loved each other; it was clear right there on the dance floor. Draco stood watching the scene from one of the tables.

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