Chapter 6-15: Firewhiskey

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For the remainder of Christmas Holiday, Desiree spent her time with the Weasley's. Though she was no longer pushing the thoughts of Draco to the back of her mind, she had promised herself that night she cried in her mother's arms that that would be the last time she cried over Draco Malfoy. Instead, she was going to go on with her life. She was going to show him that he made his choice and now he had to live with it.

Now, Desiree stood in her room, unpacking the clothes in her trunk. Everyone had come back to Hogwarts a week ago, but she didn't feel like unpacking the first night, and classes quickly took up most of her time with homework. Oddly enough, Pansy wasn't in there either. Pansy had yet to unpack either because she spent the night talking to Blaise in the common room or cramming her homework in as well.

"Oh, Desiree, there you are. I was wondering where you were," said Pansy, closing the door behind her.

"I've just been here unpacking," said Desiree, pulling a glum grin on her face.

"Well, I'm here to tell you to stop unpacking and to get ready," said Pansy, walking over to her trunk.

"And why would I do that?" asked Desiree, putting the last of her clothes into her wardrobe.

"Because the Slytherin common room is hosting a party tonight, and you're coming."

"Since when do we host parties?" asked Desiree.

"Slytherin has always hosted parties, just like the other houses. But they're usually very discrete, and you always had your nose stuck in a book," Pansy chuckled, slipping into a dress.

"My nose is not always stuck in a book," said Desiree, rolling her eyes with a grin.

"Whatever you say," Pansy chuckled. "Anyways, this year rather than the party being an only Slytherin party, I've extended the invitation, as a prefect, to the other houses. They happily accepted, surprisingly. I suppose everyone had a physically draining week, and now they want to let loose. So now, that brings me back to you."

"Pansy, why should I go to a party?" asked Desiree, turning to face her from her wardrobe.

"Because you should get out there and just let loose after your break up. Come on, it'll be fun," Pansy pleased, grabbing hold of Desiree's arm for the dramatic effect.

"Why? So I can see Draco all over the girl he cheated on me with?" Desiree shook her head, turning to walk to her bed.

"Cheated on you?! I'm sorry, I know you did not just say that Draco cheated on you, Desiree Alcyone," Pansy's voice raised out of shock and anger with Draco.

"Yeah, I did. He told me himself," Desiree shrugged, sitting down on her bed.

"Desiree, I think if we were in any other circumstance I would search the entire castle just to kill him. But now, I think the best thing to do would be for you to get your arse out of bed, get ready, put on a short dress, and show him just how good your life is without him." Pansy abruptly pulled Desiree out of her bed, forcing her to stand in front of her wardrobe again. After a few moments of deliberating, Desiree finally decided.

"You're lucky I just happen to have a few dresses in my wardrobe and I'm tired of unpacking," Desiree exhaled, looking at Pansy who had a grin emerging on her cheeks.

"Oh, this is going to be a fun night," Pansy grinned. "Now hurry, the party starts in an hour."

"Here goes nothing," said Desiree, taking a deep breath before getting ready.

Within the next hour, Desiree took off the makeup she had been previously wearing to apply a fresh layer, curled her hair into loose curls that sat against her back, and got dressed. She, fortunately, had three dresses to pick from. But, after staring at them for almost twenty minutes, she finally settled on a black, fitted, silk dress that sat just above her mid-thigh. To complete her look, she put on a pair of black heels that matched the dress perfectly, along with her usual jewelry and a few rings. Though they were broken up, Desiree still wore the jewelry Draco had given her.

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