Chapter 4-3: The Letter

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As the week had passed, Mrs. Weasley checked on Desiree's ankle each day. It seemed to have healed just as a full week had passed.

"Oh Desiree it's nice to see you actually up and walking now," Mrs. Weasley smiled as Desiree walked into the kitchen.

"It's nice to be able to be up and walking," Desiree said with a slight chuckle as she sat in between Ginny and Hermione. The group of Weasley children, along with Harry, Hermione, and Desiree, all began to eat the breakfast Mrs. Weasley prepared for them. Just as Desiree had finished her last piece of french toast she heard a pop come from the living room.

"Desiree? Molly?" Mrs. Alcyone called out.

"Mum?" said Desiree, walking toward the living room.

"Ayla? Oh Ayla how wonderful to see you! I was wondering when you would be stopping by," said Mrs. Weasley as her and Desiree walked into the living room.

"Oh it's so good to see that you're alright. I've been trying to come see you since the attack," said Mrs. Alcyone, hugging her daughter.

"I thought you were supposed to be on your trip," said Desiree, looking up to her mother.

"Well your father and I came back as soon as we got Molly's letter. We wanted to make sure you were alright but then it's been such chaos at work that the days seemed to keep passing us by before we could come see you," said Mrs. Alcyone.

"You actually came just in time. Today was the first day she's been up and walking since that night," said Mrs. Weasley.

"Molly I can't thank you enough for taking care of her," said Mrs. Alcyone, looking from her daughter to Mrs. Weasley.

"You brought Pixie!" said Desiree excitedly as Pixie emerged from behind Mrs. Alycone's legs.

"Pixie insisted that she came to see of you were alright," Mrs. Alcyone smiled.

"Oh Pixie it's so good to see you," said Desiree as she hugged the small house elf.

"I've been worried about you ever since I learned of the attack," said Pixie in her high pitched voice.

"Woah who is that?" asked Fred as he and George, as well as everyone else, entered the living room.

"Oh right, I should probably introduce you all. Everyone is this my mother Ayla Alcyone and this is our house elf Pixie," said Desiree.

"I swear she seems less and less like a Slytherin each day," said George.

"Just because she cares about magical creatures and wizards that aren't purebloods doesn't mean she's not a Slytherin, it just means that she represents the fact that not all Slytherins are evil," said Hermione.

"Thank you Hermione," Desiree laughed.

"Oh goodness look at the time, I've got to get back to the ministry. I'll try to visit you again before you all leave for Hogwarts, but for right now here's some of your letters you've gotten," said Mrs. Alcyone as she handed her daughter a handful of letters and gave her one last hug.

"Thanks mum, I'll be sure to write to you if you can't make it," said Desiree.

"Again, thank you Molly for taking care of her during all of this chaos," smiled Mrs. Alcyone.

"Oh it's nothing, the children love it," Mrs. Weasley smiled.

"Alright I've got to go but please try to stay safe," Mrs. Alcyone said as she pointed to Desiree.

"I will," Desiree smiled before her mother disapparated. She then turned back to her friends as she read who the letters were from.

"Who did you get letters from? It's obviously not Cedric, he's been sending one here almost everyday," said Hermione.

Desiree then began reading the names off of the letters as she shuffled them, "Pansy, Pansy, Pansy," Desiree paused as she read the name in the corner of the envelope.

"Who's that one from?" asked Hermione.

Desiree then snapped out of her trance, "Oh um, Pansy again," she said as she hid the last letter under the stack of the others.

"You know, I don't think Pansy sent you enough letters," said Ron sarcastically.

"I think you're right Ron," laughed Desiree, "I'm just going to open those later."

"As long as she doesn't start sending them here," said Ron.

"Oh would you relax. She probably heard about the attack and wanted to make sure Desiree was alright," said Hermione to Ron.

As the day carried on Desiree found herself becoming more anxious to open her letters, or at least that one. After everyone finally started going to bed after yet another amazing day at the Burrow, Desiree pulled the letters out from under her pillow. She first read the three from Pansy, they basically all said the same thing:

Desiree this is the third letter I've written to you since the attack at the World Cup and you haven't responded. I'm just going to start assuming you're dead.

Desiree laughed as she read each of these, she knew she'd have to write Pansy a long explanation in the morning. She then grabbed the letter she had hid from Hermione and the others.

Dear Desiree,

I had to make sure you were alright. When I left you, you weren't in good shape. This probably seems stupid but I got a letter from Pansy asking if I knew if you were alright but I hadn't known either so I wanted to, no I needed to write you to know. So please, tell me you're alright and that Diggory didn't mess anything up after I left.


Desiree let out a soft chuckle as she read the last line. She wanted to write back but she knew she would see him in a few days so she decided to wait. Afterall, everyone else would find it suspicious that Desiree wrote two letters when she told them that all four of them were from Pansy. She then sat and read over the letter again and again. Desiree couldn't explain why she wanted to keep reading it but something about it just made her continue, I needed to write you to know.

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