Chapter 2-9: The Spiders

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Desiree's time at Hogwarts had once again escaped her. This year was because of the impending doom of the Chamber of Secrets. She had talked to Cedric only once more after Christmas, this was so that he could give Desiree her Christmas gift. Which just contained a few chocolate frogs, Cedric knew this was Desiree's favorite candy.

"I can't believe exams are next week." said Pansy as she and Desiree walked into the great hall for breakfast.

"I know, it's so crazy." said Desiree.

Desiree saw Cedric at the Hufflepuff table, she smiled as they met each other's gaze.

"Why don't you go talk to him? You two haven't spoken in months." Pansy said as they began eating.

"You know what...I think I will. But only after I finish my breakfast." said Desiree.

"Do what?" asked Draco as he sat down at the table next to Desiree.

"She's going to go talk to lover." Pansy jokingly.

"Pansy!" Desiree said half offended half jokingly.

"I'm just kidding." she laughed, "But she's going to talk to Cedric after she's done eating."

"I forgot you were friends with him." Draco said looking to Desiree with a slight attitude.

"Well when we go without speaking to each other for months on end it's easy to." Desiree said with slight attitude behind it.

After a small bowl of oatmeal and a glass of pumpkin juice, Desiree stood up and walked over to Cedric at the Hufflepuff table.

"Ah, I was wondering when you'd walk over and talk to me." Cedric smiled, "I mean it's only been about what? Two months I believe." he said sarcastically.

"Oh so now you're the one with jokes." Desiree laughed.

"I try." he smiled, knowing this was Desiree's response the last time he said this to her. "Is that a new charm?" Cedric said pointing to Desiree's charm bracelet.

"What?" Desiree looked down, "Oh yeah. Pansy and I have seemed to make an accidental tradition of getting each other a charm each Christmas." Desiree said as she began to play with the charm.

"That's actually a cool idea. I'm guessing the snake since you're the heir of Slytherin and all." he smiled mockingly.

"Pansy told you to say that didn't she? I swear she's going to drive me mad." Desiree laughed.

"She may have passed me in one of the corridor's one day." Cedric laughed.

"I can't believe her." Desiree smiled as she rolled her eyes.

"I know you aren't the heir, I just wanted to mess with you." he laughed.

"Well ha ha very funny." said Desiree sarcastically.

"Miss Alcyone can you come with me please?" McGonagall said as she walked behind Cedric.

"Yes ma'am." said Desiree as she began to stand and walk away. She waved goodbye to Cedric before leaving the great hall. The walk with McGonagall was silent until she also picked Ron and Harry up on the way.

"What do you think this is about?" Desiree whispered to Ron as they were led into the hospital wing.

"I don't know, but it can't be good." said Ron worriedly.

"I warn you, this could be a wee bit of a shock." said McGonagall as they approached a bed.

Desiree stopped in her tracks, as well as Ron and Harry. Hermione laid in the bed, petrified.

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