Chapter 1-7: The Fight

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The next few months had gone by quite fast for Desiree and all of her friends. She had only talked to Cedric once more in those many months, but it was just the same as the first time. It felt as though they could talk for hours.

Desiree, Draco, and Pansy all now sat in the great hall for dinner.

"So, have you two been preparing for exams?" Desiree asked as she took a bite of her chicken.

"Probably not as much as you but I've been studying almost every day," Pansy said looking to Desiree.

"What about you Draco?" Desiree said looking to Draco who was clearly zoned out.

"What was the question?" Draco said snapping out of his daze.

"I asked if you've been preparing for exams since their in two weeks," Desiree said with a confused look on her face as she tried to see what Draco had been looking at.

"Oh right, I've been studying here and there. Nothing serious." He said as he looked at his food.

The three talked for a little while longer. They finally got up and started to head to the common room after dinner was over.

"Hey, Desiree can you come with me for a second? Pansy, we'll meet you back in the common room." Draco said trying to pull Y/n in the opposite direction.

"I guess so... I'll see you back in our room Pansy," Desiree said as she began walking with Draco. "Draco what are we doing?" she asked.

"It's Pottah, he's sneaking out of the castle," Draco said as he walked through the front door.

"So that means we have to?" Desiree asked confused.

"Well it means we could get him and his friends in trouble," he said slowly walking to Hagrid's hut.

"Draco I swear to you if we get caught-" she started to say.

"Shh we're trying not to let them notice us" he whispered.

"Well, that's a little too late genius. They saw your big head." Desiree snapped.

The pair ran back to the castle trying to escape the three they left in Hagrid's hut.

"We need to find Professor McGonagall," Draco said as they turned down an empty corridor.

"Why, so we can get in trouble for being out past curfew?" Desiree asked slyly.

"We won't get in trouble if we are the ones to report someone out past ours," he said.

The pair made it to Professor McGonagall's office where they found her at her desk. Draco told her about what they had just seen in the hut. McGonagall stopped Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they were trying to run back to their common room.

"I hope you all understand that because you are out past hours you will be given detention. The five of you together." Professor McGonagall said as she looked at each one of the students.

"Excuse me Professor, but it sounded like you said the five of us." Draco took a step forward.

"Yes, that is correct Mr. Malfoy. However noble your intentions were you too were out of bed after hours. That goes for you as well Ms. Alcyone." McGonagall said looking to Draco then to Desiree.

"Yes, ma'am I understand." Desiree looked down.

Desiree walked silently through the halls, not speaking to Draco the entire way to the common room.

Once they made it in the common room Desiree yelled "Now you've done it. You just couldn't leave Harry alone could you."

"Woah what's going on?" Pansy stood up from the couch.

"He got us both detention and fifty points each taken from Slytherin," Desiree said turning to Pansy.

"What now?" Pansy's voice slightly raised.

"He made sure we followed Harry to Hagrid's hut and then had the bright idea to tell McGonagall about it." Desiree snapped looking to Malfoy.

"Oh lighten up, would isn't the end of the world" Draco rolled his eyes.

Desiree felt her rage boil over "If you could learn how to respect people and leave them alone we wouldn't be in this situation." she snapped.

"Desiree why don't we go to our room before things get said that you both don't mean," Pansy said grabbing Desiree's arm.

"Yeah, good idea," Desiree said as she began walking. She glared at Malfoy for a second until she turned back around to go to bed. He just stood there for a second and then went to his own room.

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