Chapter 1-1: The Meeting

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Desiree Alcyone came from a long line of powerful witches and wizards, each a member of Slytherin in their time. It was finally time for Desiree to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Desiree had eagerly waited all summer for it to be time to finally go to Hogwarts. Today was that day.

"Mum what happens if I don't get put in Slytherin?" she asked as she waited to board the train.

"Oh don't you worry about that, I know you have exactly what it takes. But if you don't your father and I will still love you no matter what house you get put in." her mother said as she was bending down to her eye level.

"Your mother's right Desiree, I've never seen anyone more fit to be Slytherin than you." her father smiled.

"Alright well you better be getting on the train, I wouldn't want you to miss it," your mother said as she hugged Desiree.

"I love you guys and I'll miss you so much" she gave each of her parents one last hug.

"We love you too, now go start the new chapter of your life" her father smiled.

Desiree boarded the train as she waved to them one last time. By the time she got on the train the only open spot was with a ginger boy and a brunette boy with broken glasses. "Hi, do you mind if I sit with you both? this is the only open seat."

"No not at all, please sit down" the brunette motioned to the seat across from him.

"Thank you so much. I'm Desiree, by the way, Desiree Alcyone," she smiled

"Are you really? I've heard so many things about your family." the ginger said eagerly.

"Yes, I am" she laughed "All good things I hope."

"Oh, great things. Oh and by the way I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."

"It's lovely to meet you Ron and who might you be if you don't mind my asking," she said as she turned her head to the brunette.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter"

Her eyes widened "Holy cricket...I can't believe it."

"Wicked right," Ron said smiling.

The three of the children talked for a while longer until a young girl about the same age as Desiree walked in.

"Have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost it" she asked. She walked in when she saw Ron trying to do magic. She sat down and fixed Harry's glasses with no problem. "Holy cricket, your Harry Potter," she said amazed.

"That's what I said," Desiree laughed "I'm Desiree Alcyone by the way," she said holding out your hand.

"I'm Hermione Granger...and you are?" she asked Ron.

"Ron Weasley," he said with his mouth full of candy.

Before Desiree knew it she was already at Hogwarts. She made her way onto the boats with the rest of the first years. She sat with a girl named Pansy in one of the small boats.

All of the first years gathered outside of the great hall. There Desiree saw a small platinum-blonde boy talk to Harry. This conversation somehow ended in him making fun of Ron just because he was a Weasley.

"I can't believe Harry Pottah picked Weasley over me. Can you believe that?" the blonde boy said disgustedly.

"What's wrong with Ron?" Desiree asked before even realizing what she said.

"And just who might you be?" the blonde one asked again.

"I'm Desiree, Desiree Alcyone," she said with a slight smirk knowing he didn't know who your family was just yet.

His eyes got big "Did you say Alcyone? As in THE Alcyone family?".

"Yes, I did," she said as she tried hard not to laugh at his reaction.

"If you'll excuse my behavior I didn't realize just who I was speaking to. By the way, I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy." he said with his evil little smirk.

"Children if I can have your attention please." Professor McGonagall stopped waiting for everyone to look "Alright, in a moment I will escort you into the great hall where you will be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin."

All of the first years made their way to the front of the great hall, Desiree in the mix. McGonagall called all of the first years one by one. Ron and Hermione were both sorted into Gryffindor. Draco was sorted into Slytherin before the hat even touched his head. Harry took much longer than most but he eventually was sorted into Gryffindor.

"Desiree Alcyone" Professor McGonagall called out.

Desiree stepped up to the stool and sat down. McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her head and it began talking immediately.

"Ahh, another Alcyone I see. You're difficult...very difficult. Hmm, you're cunning. Yes and a nice thirst to prove yourself. It's all here in your head, better be...SLYTHERIN!"

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