Chapter 6-6: Train Smoke

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The last month of summer had slowly become one of Desiree's worst summers. After Lucius Malfoy's arrest, Draco's letters stopped coming so frequently. Desiree's parents were being sent on tasks for the Order every few days. Desiree couldn't even leave the house anymore. She had to send Pixie to Diagon Alley to get her new books for school. Overall, she was just glad she was going back to Hogwarts. This meant that she could talk to people her own age and give her parents peace of mind, knowing she was safe in school.

"Okay, we are going to have to go as soon as you get on the train. But, remember to tell us, or Dumbledore, if anything suspicious is happening around the school," said Mrs. Alcyone, holding her daughter at arm's length.

"I know, mum. We've been over this a thousand times. You'll be the first to know if anything weird starts happening," said Desiree.

"Alright, we'll let you go. Say hi to Draco for us," said Mrs. Alcyone, pulling her daughter into one last hug.

"I will. Be safe with whatever task you have," Desiree waved her parents one last goodbye before walking on the train.

The Hogwarts express was buzzing with excited first years. Desiree looked at them kindly, some of their eyes grew wide as they saw her. Whether it was because she was a much older student now, or because they recognized her, thanks to her family's legacy, she didn't know.

She walked through a few of the train cars until she finally found the one Draco was sitting in. The table he sat at was empty beside him. Blaise either hadn't boarded the train yet, or he was with Pansy.

"Mind if I sit?" she asked, raising herself on her toes before going back down on her heels. Draco slowly moved his attention from the window to Desiree, not saying a word as he stood. He ushered her into the seat next to him. Desiree thought it was strange, there wasn't so much as a grin that came from Draco as she greeted him. Something was bothering him. But what?

"Hey, are you alright?" her hand grasped his knee as her eyes looked to his.

"Yeah, fine," he nodded shortly. Something was clearly wrong with him.

"Draco, you can tell me if something is bothering you. You don't have to right now, but when you're ready to talk about it, I'm always here," her grasp tightened on his knee. He silently nodded, at least it was something.

"Do you mind if we sit with you both?" Blaise walked towards the table, someone was clearly standing behind him out of Desiree's line of sight.

"That depends. . . who's we?" she crossed her arms.

"Desiree, look," Pansy paused, stepping from behind Blaise and sitting down across from her.

"I didn't say you could sit," Desiree snapped.

"Just hear me out. Please?" Pansy sat silently, waiting for Desiree to agree to hear her out. Desiree finally agreed after looking to Blaise, who basically told her it was alright. "Look, last year I acted like a complete bitch."

"You think?" Desiree scoffed.

"But, I'm trying to apologize," Pansy ignored Desiree's comment. "I got a taste of power last year. But, it was the wrong type of power. I was so blinded from getting my own spotlight that I didn't care who it hurt. And, you were apart of that. Desiree, I'm sorry. I hated us being apart. I guess what I'm trying to ask is if you think you can find it in you to forgive me?"

Desiree sat silently with her arms crossed, examining Pansy's face for any clue that she was lying. But, she found nothing. "You're lucky I missed you too."

"Oh, thank God. It was getting so tiresome having to bounce between the two of you," said Blaise, taking his seat at Pansy's side.

"Oh, shut it," Pansy laughed, Desiree alongside her.

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