Chapter 3-12: The Tutor

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As Desiree was getting ready to leave Potions class for the day Snape stopped her. "Miss Alcyone, Mr. Malfoy can you come over to my desk please?" said Snape in his slow monotone voice.

"Yes sir?" asked Desiree as she approached the desk with Draco.

"It has come to my attention that Mr. Malfoy has seemed to have fallen behind in the recent weeks. I suppose what I'm asking is that you tutor him over the next couple of weeks leading up to exams. After all you are in the top of the class and we wouldn't want him to fall behind even more now would we?" said Snape, looking from Desiree to Draco repeatedly.

"Yes sir. We can start tonight if Draco is up for it." said Desiree reluctantly.

"Mr. Malfoy?" asked Snape, looking to Draco.

"That's fine I guess." said Draco.

"I'll see you in the library then. After dinner." said Desiree before walking out of the classroom.

"What did Snape want with you and Draco?" asked Pansy as the two girls began to walk towards the common room.

"Well I now have to tutor Draco in potions." said Desiree.

"You're kidding." said Pansy.

"No I'm not. Snape said he's been falling behind for a few weeks now. And because I'm one of the top people in the class he felt as though it should be me that helps him." said Desiree, placing her books on her bed.

"Well when do you start?" asked Pansy.

"We're supposed to meet in the library later tonight after dinner." said Desiree, leaning against her bed.

"Aren't you supposed to hang out with Cedric today?" asked Pansy.

"Yes but that's before dinner. Speaking of which I should probably go meet him now. I'll see you at dinner Pansy." said Desiree, hurrying out of the common room and outside to Cedric.

"Hey there you are." Cedric smiled before he gave Desiree a quick kiss.

"Hey yourself." Desiree smiled.

"Ready?" asked Cedric.

"Of course." Desiree smiled. "Remind me what we're doing again?"

"Ah you see I never told you that part. It's a surprise." Cedric smiled as he guided Desiree to an open field on the outskirts of the castle.

"What are you doing?" asked Desiree, Cedric's hands now covered her eyes.

"I told you it's a surprise. We're almost there don't worry." laughed Cedric. "Okay and open." said Cedric, removing his hands from in front of Desiree's eyes.

Desiree opened her eyes to find that Cedric had set up a picnic in the open field. She turned to him with excitement. "Oh I love it." she smiled before kissing Cedric.

"Good I'm glad." Cedric smiled.

"How did you get the food all the way out here?" asked Desiree, popping a grape into her mouth.

"Well the kitchen is near the Hufflepuff common room so naturally I made friends with a few of the house elves that work in it. They planned all of the food, I just had to pick up the basket." said Cedric with his charming smile.

"Oh how lovely to know that my boyfriend lets others plan our date instead of him." Desiree laughed.

"I did come up with the picnic idea. The elves just prepared the food. I even told them to make sure they put in the grapes you're eating because I know how much you like them." said Cedric.

"Oh fine I guess all is forgiven." smiled Desiree.

"I knew you'd come around." Cedric smiled.

"Oh you did, did you?" said Desiree, leaning toward Cedric before they shared a quick kiss.

"Yes I did." Cedric smiled.

The rest of the picnic carried on just like any other time Desiree and Cedric hung out or went on a date. Just as the sun was beginning to set the two made their way back to the great hall.

"I'll see you later." Cedric smiled.

"Okay." Desiree smiled before Cedric gave her a quick goodbye kiss. Desiree made her way over to the Slytherin table, where she sat with Pansy and Blaise per usual.

"Oh good you're back. Now tell me everything." said Pansy.

"I'm never going to escape this am I?" asked Blaise to Pansy.

"No not really." she laughed. "Okay now back to Desiree."

"He set up a picnic in the open field, you know the one where we had our first flying lessons?" said Desiree.

"Yeah, go on." said Pansy.

"Then we just sat and talked until we realized the sun was starting to set." said Desiree.

"Sorry to interupt your little party or whatever, but Desiree isn't it time for you to go to the library to tutor Draco?" asked Blaise.

"Oh you're right, I almost forgot. I'll see you two later." said Desiree, before walking out of the great hall and up to the library. "I'm sorry I'm late Draco."

"I suppose you were out with Diggory again." said Draco.

"Draco," she paused, "don't do this."

"Fine." said Draco, sitting down at a lone table.

"Now, what do you need help on?" asked Desiree.

"I'm not sure. I was doing well in potions and then all of the sudden I had no clue what was going on." said Draco.

"Okay well why don't we start from the beginning then. Just in case." said Desiree.

"I suppose that would make sense." said Draco.

"Alright now tell me the ingredients of the Doxyvenom cure." said Desiree.

"Fire seeds, Powdered Graphorn Horn, Billywig Stings, Chizpurfle Carapaces, and Doxy eggs." said Draco.

"That was close but there aren't any Doxy eggs in the Doxyvenom cure." said Desiree.

"Well then what is in it?" asked Draco.

"Fire seeds, Powdered Graphorn Horn, Billywig Stings, and Chizpurfle Carapaces. See you were close you just added in the Doxy eggs." said Desiree.

After going over a few more potions, and many errors later, Desiree was just about to ask Draco about one last potion for the night when he blurted out, "Are you happy with him?"

"What?" asked Desiree, a confused expression grew on her face.

"Diggory, are you happy with him?" asked Draco, clearly wanting an honest answer.

Desiree sat silent for a moment, not sure why he was asking such a crazy question, until she finally said, "Yeah...I am."

Draco sat silent for a moment, just as Desiree had, until he finally said, "Good because if he hurts you I'll have to kill him." he smiled.

Desiree playfully rolled her eyes at Draco before the two of them continued studying.

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