Chapter 5-7: High Inquisitor

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"Ally are you alright? Pansy said you looked upset when you got back from detention last night?" asked Draco, turning to Desiree as they ate breakfast in the Great Hall.

"Yeah, fine. Just mad that I had detention," said Desiree, her tone was cold.

"What did she make you do?" asked Draco.

"Just write lines," said Desiree, discreetly pulling her robes over her hand that was still raw from the words.

"Oh, well that's not bad. It's better than having to go in the Forbidden Forest," he chuckled. "Remember that?"

"How could I not?" she began toying with her oatmeal.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he asked again. Before Desiree could answer everyone's attention was brought to what sounded like an argument coming from just outside of the Great Hall. Desiree quickly rose to see who was arguing. It was McGonagall and Umbridge.

"I'm sorry Professor but what exactly are you insinuating?" asked Umbridge.

"I am nearly requesting that when it comes to my students you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices," said McGonagall as more students began walking over to the two Professors.

"So silly of me but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom. Minerva," Umbridge took a step up in order to look down on McGonagall.

"Not at all Dolores. Merely your medieval methods," McGonagall matched her step.

"I am sorry dear but to question my practices is to question the Ministry and by extension the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty," said Umbridge.

"Oh please," Desiree whispered glumly to herself.

McGonagall took a step down, "Disloyalty."

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action," Umbridge looked to all of the students that had congregated around the conversation.

"I can't wait," Desiree smiled sarcastically before turning to walk away.

"Where are you going?" asked Pansy.

"For a walk!" Desiree shouted from a distance. She walked around the castle to calm herself down as she had with Cedric in the years past. Her mind was racing with thoughts of what Umbridge's words meant for the future of Hogwarts.

"Desiree!" She heard Hermione call from behind her.

"Hermione?" she turned.

"Desiree, I think I need your help with something," said Hermione, her breathing was uneven from running after Desiree.

"Like what?" asked Desiree, she was skeptical of what would come out of Hermione's mouth.

Hermione looked around them to ensure no one was listening. "Look, I know it's a bit early to start coming up with plans against Umbridge but I think it's necessary here. You heard her say we were going to learn 'hypothetical' magic but we both know we need the real thing. I think we should ask Harry to teach us."

"What?" asked Desiree, shocked at Hermione's idea to break the rules.

"Just think about it. He's already fought You Know Who, in some form, four times now. He knows what it takes," said Hermione.

"Look, I think you should be the one to convince him. If he still doesn't listen after a few times then I'll help. But right now I don't think it would be wise for me to intervene with Umbridge putting a moving target on my back," said Desiree.

"Alright fine. I'll try but I want to wait to see what Umbridge is going to do first before I go to Harry," said Hermione.

"That would be ideal," said Desiree.

"Okay, I'll see you later," said Hermione, waving goodbye before walking back to the castle.

The rest of the day carried on like a normal day of classes. Desiree luckily wasn't given detention from Umbridge, unlike Harry. Desiree had almost forgot about what Umbridge had said earlier that morning until she found a letter on her bed which read:

Desiree, I've gotten word of what is happening at Hogwarts. I can't exactly say right now but I want you to be careful. The news should hit The Daily Prophet tomorrow morning.

- Dad

Desiree quickly put the letter in her trunk and plopped on her bed in hopes that she would forget ever reading the letter. Before she even realized it she had drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Her slumber was only interrupted by the feeling of something soft hitting her forcefully.

"Pansy? What are you doing?" she asked, watching as Pansy hit her with a pillow again.

"Oh good, you're up. It's time for breakfast," said Pansy, turning to put the pillow back on her bed.

"Already?" Desiree began to stretch.

"Yes, now come on," said Pansy.

"Okay, just give me ten minutes to get ready," said Desiree.

"Fine, meet me in the common room," said Pansy, walking out of the door. Desiree then jumped out of bed, put on a fresh set of robes, comb her hair, brushed her teeth, and grabbed her books before meeting Pansy up in the common room.

"Are you ready now?" asked Pansy, standing up from the couch.

"Yes I am. Someone's pushy today," she chuckled.

"It took me nearly ten minutes to wake you up," said Pansy.

"Oh whatever will we do?" said Desiree with a sarcastic smile.

"You should invest in an alarm clock," said Pansy.

"Why would I do that when I have you?" Desiree laughed.

"I don't know how I put up with you sometimes," said Pansy, crossing her arms in front of her, clearly trying to suppress a laugh.

"Because I'm the one that adds more excitement to your day," said Desiree, leaning towards Pansy with a joking smile.

"Whatever," she playfully rolled her eyes.

"It's about time the two of you showed up," said Blaise, sitting at the Slytherin table.

"Someone wouldn't wake up this morning," said Pansy, looking to Desiree.

"What can I say? A girl needs her beauty sleep," she laughed, sitting down next to Draco. "Has the post come yet?"

"Oh yeah, came just before you walked in," said Draco, placing a copy of the latest addition of The Daily Prophet in front of her.

"Just what I needed," she grinned. Her grin slowly faded as she read the headline of the front page.

Dolores Umbridge Appointed First Ever High Inquisitor
New Era Dawns At Hogwarts

"Seems like we might actually get a handle on things this year," said Draco, grinning.

"Yeah something like that," said Desiree, slowly getting up and walking away.

"Ally? Where are you going?" She heard Draco asked. She, however, kept walking towards the Gryffindor table where Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat.

"Oh, hi Desiree," said Ron.

"Have you seen this?" asked Desiree, handing them the paper. There eyes grew wide as they read the headline.

"Oh no," said Hermione.

"What are we going to do?" asked Ron.

"Hermione," Desiree looked to her. Hermione's eyes met hers, telling her it was time to start trying to convince Harry. Hermione nodded her head before looking back down to the remainder of the article. Desiree looked back to the Slytherin table where Draco, Blaise, and Pansy sat. Her only worry was that she'd lose them along the way.

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