Chapter 4-1: The Quidditch World Cup

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As Desiree awoke she quickly realized today was the day of the Quidditch World Cup, the day she would finally get to see Cedric again. She jumped up and got dressed in a hurry before she ran down the stairs.

"Ah there she is!" said Desiree's father as he looked to her. "I would have expected you down here much sooner," he laughed.

"I packed all of my things last night and laid out my clothes so I could sleep in longer," laughed Desiree as she began eating a bowl of cereal. Just as she finished her breakfast it sounded as though there was a knock on the door.

"Just in time," her mother smiled as she opened the door.

"Amos, how are you?" asked Desiree's father as he shook Amos Diggory's hand.

"Oh I'm doing wonderful. How are you?" asked Amos.

After the two men were finally done with their conversation, it was time for Desiree to leave her home for the summer.

"Remember to write us when you get back to the Weasley's alright?" said Mrs. Alcyone as she hugged her.

"I will I promise. Have a great trip and pick me something up," Desiree smiled.

"We will!" said Mrs. Alcyone as she waved goodbye to Desiree.

"Remind me why your parents aren't going to the Cup?" asked Cedric as the three began waiting for the Weasley's.

"They're traveling over the next couple of weeks, Rome I believe," said Desiree.

"But where will you go after the Cup?" asked Cedric.

"I'm going to be staying with the Weasley's. It was Mr. Weasley's idea actually, he heard about my parents plan to travel and he said that the children would love it so now I am," Desiree smiled.

"At least you got it sorted out," said Cedric as he climbed into the tree next to him.

"What are you doing?" asked Desiree, looking to him.

"I'm sitting in the tree, what does it look like I'm doing?" asked Cedric with a laugh.

"Arthur! It's about time son." said Amos Diggory.

"Sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." said Arthur, looking back to Harry and Ron.  "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me, at the Ministry." As Cedric jumped down from the tree, Mr. Weasley looked to him. "This strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"

"Yes sir." said Cedric, shaking Mr. Weasley's hand.

"Hermione!" said Desiree, running to her friend.

"Oh Desiree I missed you!" said Hermione as they hugged each other.

"Believe me, when she says she's missed you she has," Ginny laughed.

"Oh Desiree this is Ginny, Ron's sister," said Hermione.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I'm sure we'll be great friends," smiled Desiree.

"Are you sure she's Slytherin?" asked Ginny to Hermione as the large group began walking.

"We like to say, or at least I like to say, that she's what a true Slytherin represents," said Hermione.

"It's just over there." said Amos, pointing to an opening on a hill. "Shall we?"

"Oh yeah. We don't want to be late. Come on." said Mr. Weasley, walking over to the old boot. Which Desiree knew was a portkey.

"Get yourself into a good position." said Amos.

"Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" asked Harry.

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