Chapter 5-1: The Visitor

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Summer, usually a break that Desiree enjoyed with her family, was spent trying to look for the good in the dark days or expel the dark on the good days. The first week away from Hogwarts and all of her friends had been hard for Desiree. She hadn't noticed how much they helped her over those weeks without Cedric. That first week was filled with new nightmares. But every nightmare was paired with a dream. Every time there was darkness light soon followed.

Desiree hadn't been able to talk to her parents about it yet. She knew she need to for the sake of healing but it was hard. She was only able to talk to Harry about it because he had witnessed it and Draco because he was there. He was always there; even in the darkest of times. He was the light.

Desiree knew tonight would be the night. The night she finally opened up to her parents about all of the bad. After all if it wasn't soon it would be never.

Desiree hadn't known it before, but her parents were part of the Order of the Phoenix. They were set to stay at headquarters starting Sunday.

"Desiree it's time for dinner," Mrs. Alcyone called from the stairs.

"Coming mum!" Desiree called back. She took a deep breath before opening her door, this was it, this was the time.

"There she is," Mr. Alcyone smiled from the table.

"Here I am," she grinned as she sat down.

"How are you feeling today?" asked Mrs. Alcyone.

"Better I guess. I haven't had a nightmare in awhile," said Desiree. Mr. and Mrs. Alcyone looked to each other before looking back to their daughter. This was the first time she had given an answer besides 'fine.'

"Do you want to talk about them?" asked Mrs. Alcyone.

"There isn't much to say about them. They just happen. I know they aren't real. And it doesn't make me fall back to the way I was in the first couple of weeks. I can manage them now I guess," said Desiree before taking a bite of her salad.

"Manage them?" asked Mr. Alcyone.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that even if I do have one it won't affect my day. This was a terrible loss to me so naturally I'm going to have things like this. It's apart of the healing process. I have to continue on to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I want to see the light," said Desiree.

Desiree's parents looked to each other for a moment before they grinned. "How did you get so wise?" her father asked.

"Well Draco was actually the one to help me the most. He was the one that told me I needed to want to see the light in the darkness if I wanted to heal. I guess he's the reason I am where I am right now. If it weren't for him I would probably still be lying in bed all day," she looked to the both of them.

"Well then we give out thanks to him," Mr. Alcyone smiled. "That's not to discredit the strength you have shown either. Remember that."

"I know," she grinned. "I know it sounds silly but I think the reason my first week back here was so rough was because he wasn't here. He helped comfort me if I had a nightmare every night. He was always there. Even in the late hours of the night during exam week." Desiree hadn't realized how much she missed her friends, mainly Draco, until now.

"Sounds like he would do anything for you," said Mr. Alcyone looked to his daughter.

"I think he would," Desiree grinned to herself. The rest of dinner carried on in conversation like it had before fourth year. Desiree felt relieved to have finally talked to her parents. She felt relieved that they didn't judge her or discredit her feelings about it all. After dinner she walked up to her room and grabbed one of the books off of on of her many shelves; Pride and Prejudice. It was always one of her favorites. It was also the copy Cedric had gotten her from the small bookstore in Hogsmeade. As she began reading the book she remembered the night in the common room when she caught Draco reading it. She giggled as she pictured him hiding it under the couch pillow again. That then made her wonder how many other books he had read behind her back. So far she had only known about two; Pride and Prejudice and the one he read on Christmas night third year.

Desiree awoke from a dreamless sleep to the warmth of the sun's rays hitting her cheeks. She looked around her to find that she had fallen asleep while reading. This wasn't a rare occurrence when she read late into the night.

"Desiree can you come downstairs for a moment," Mrs. Alcyone peered through her door.

"Sure," she got up not sure what to expect. "Is something wrong?" she asked as they began to walk down the stairs.

"No nothing's wrong," Mrs. Alcyone smiled.

"Then what is it?" she asked.

"Why don't you take a look for yourself," Mrs. Alcyone pointed ahead of her towards the front door. Desiree turned her head skeptically towards the front door. Her eyes lit up as she saw a tall platinum blonde boy standing at the door.

"Draco!" she ran excitedly threw her arms around him. She had a bright smile painted on her face. This was the first time she was able to smile larger than a grin.

"Miss me?" he chuckled as his arms closed around her.

"Don't flatter yourself," she chuckled as she pulled back. "What are you doing here?"

"You parents invited me to stay a few days. I leave Saturday," said Draco.

"We invited your friends Pansy and Blaise as well but they couldn't make it with such short notice," said Mrs. Alcyone.

"Thank you," Desiree hugged both of her parents.

"We thought it was the least we could do before we all leave on Sunday," said Mr. Alcyone.

"Here, I'll show you to the guest room. Oh this is going to be wonderful," Desiree smiled as she looked to Draco.

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