Chapter 3-3: Buckbeak

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Today was the first day of classes for Desiree. She already had divination earlier that morning with Pansy. They were now walking down to Care of Magical Creatures with Draco and Blaise.

"Desiree what did you think about the whole Harry and the Grim thing in Divination?" asked Pansy.

"What thing?" asked Draco.

"We were supposed to read tea leaves in Divination today, and well Harry had the Grim in his cup." said Desiree, turning her head to face Draco. "But as for your question Pansy, I'm not sure what to think. Something about Trelawney seems off, almost like she doesn't have the gift she claims she does, but if she didn't have the gift Dumbledore wouldn't have hired her."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." said Draco.

Before Desiree could make a remark back the four arrived in front of Hagrid's hut along with the rest of their classmates.

"Alright now that you're all here, I have a surprise for all you in the forest. Follow me." said Hagrid, now leading the students into the forest.

"Last time I went into the forest was not a pleasant experience." said Desiree, reluctantly following Hagrid into the forest.

As the students stood waiting for Hagrid to return with his surprise, Desiree stood with Pansy, Draco, and Blaise. They had been having a normal conversation until Draco overheard Hermione say, "I think they're funny."

Draco then chimed in, "Oh yeah terribly funny, really witty. God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes."

Desiree hit his arm and gave him a peering look before Harry said, "Shut up Malfoy."

The boys came to what seemed to be a stand off. That was until Draco pointed behind Harry and shouted, "Dementor! Dementor!"

"He is unbelievable." said Desiree to Pansy.

After what felt like several minutes, Hagrid returned to where he left the students.

"Tada!" said Hagrid happily. "Isn't he beautiful. Say to hello to Buckbeak."

"Hagrid exactly what is that?" asked Ron in an amazed yet worried tone.

"That Ron is a Hippogriff. First thing you want to know about Hippogriffs is that they are very proud creatures, very easily offended. You do not want to insult a Hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and say hello?" asked Hagrid, turning to face Buckbeak.

The class speedily backed up as far as they could go. Harry was the only one left still standing where the class was just seconds ago.

"Well done Harry, well done. Come on, now you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite. So step up, give him a nice bow, then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go and touch him. If not, well we'll get to that later."

Sure enough, Harry reluctantly gave a bow. It took a short minute before Buckbeak bowed back. Harry slowly began to approach the Hippogriff, giving hesitation in each of his steps. Desiree's nerves seemed to all over the place. She knew something was going to happen, she could feel it in her gut.

After Harry successfully touched Buckbeak the class broke out in applause. "Well done Harry, well done." said Hagrid.

Desiree looked to Draco as she was clapping, he did not look amused.

"I think he may let you ride him now." said Hagrid, lifting Harry onto the Hippogriff.

"This can't be good." whispered Pansy to Desiree.

It was just then that Buckbeak began soaring through the air. All of the students in the class, except for Draco, were amazed at the sight of the large Hippogriff soaring majestically through the air. As Harry and Buckbeak landed the class began cheering for Harry, saying "Well done Harry."

This seemed to anger Draco, for he stood up and began to walk over to Buckbeak. "Oh please. Yes, you're not dangerous at all are you? You great ugly brute."

Just then the giant Hippogriff sprang into the air, sinking its claw into Draco's arm. Draco fell to the ground as some of the class began to run behind the small barrier wall. Hagrid managed to get Buckbeak to calm down by throwing him a ferret.

Draco squirmed on the ground whining, "It's killed meh! it's killed meh!"

"Calm down. It's just a scratch." said Hagrid.

"Hagrid!" Hermione yelled as she and Desiree ran forward.

"He has to be taken to the hospital!" said Desiree.

"I'm the teacher I'll do it." said Hagrid, scooping Draco up in his arms.

"Oh you're going to regret this." said Malfoy, laying limp in Hagrid's arms. "You and you're bloody chicken."

"Class dismissed." said Hagrid.

* * *

Desiree now sat in the great hall for dinner with Pansy and Blaise. Draco was in the hospital wing for the night.

"Are you going to go see him tonight?" asked Pansy.

"I'll probably go after dinner. How was he when you two went earlier?" asked Desiree.

"The usual Malfoy, milking it to get attention." Blaise laughed.

"That sounds like him." laughed Desiree. Just as she said this she saw Cedric sit down at the Hufflepuff table. "Hey I'll see you two later, alright?"

Pansy looked to where Desiree was just looking before saying, "Oh yeah, go ahead."

Desiree then walked over to the Hufflepuff table. Cedric smiled as he saw her walking over, she did the same.

"Fancy seeing you here." he smiled.

"Ah well I try to make regular appearances." she smiled.

"So, how have you been?" asked Cedric.

"Well besides witnessing a Hippogriff attack Draco, I'm pretty good." she laughed.

"I was just about to ask you about that. Is he alright?" asked Cedric.

"I've haven't gone to see him yet but Pansy and Blaise said he's fine and that he's just milking it like usual." said Desiree, rolling her eyes as she ate a piece of food.

"Are you going to go see him?" Cedric asked before taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

"I probably should even though he technically got what was coming to him." said Desiree, letting out a small chuckle.

After talking with Cedric for a short bit, Desiree left the great hall and made her way to the hospital wing. As she walked up she couldn't help but think of the talk she had with Cedric. It seemed as though words flew off the tongue so easy when she talked with him. She walked in the hospital wing with a smile painted on her face without even realizing it.

"What do you think my pain is funny?" asked Draco sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" asked Desiree confused.

"You walked in here smiling from ear to ear." said Draco.

"Did I really? Huh, I guess I didn't realize." said Desiree. "How are you feeling?"

"It hurts but I guess it's better now." said Draco.

"Oh so you know I won't fall for you milking it huh?" laughed Desiree.

"I was not milking it." said Draco, slightly offended. Desiree looked at him with a certain expression that was clear she knew he was lying. "Okay maybe I was." he laughed.

"I knew it." smiled Desiree.

"It was nice of you to come visit though." said Draco.

Desiree thought her eyes were deceiving her, she thought she saw Draco let out a small smile.

"You were hurt, of course I would." she smiled.

There was a silence between the two as they held each other's gaze, each with a smile. Draco's was clearly trying to be more hidden.

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