Chapter 6-10: No More Secrets

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Just as Desiree thought she was getting the old Draco back, the new version of him came back. The secretive, dodgy version, of him was back. Ever since Katie Bell was cursed, he had been back to avoiding certain topics and being short with Desiree.

She noticed that he had begun sneaking back into the common room late at night, long after curfew had begun. She was trying not to think of it too much, but it began occupying her mind more and more. Desiree hated that she worried so much about it. So far Draco hadn't given her any reason to not trust him. But, his new behavior made her worry nonetheless.

"Desiree. Desiree!" Pansy shouted, snapping Desiree back into focus.

"What?" Desiree slowly moved her gaze back to Pansy.

"I was trying to say that we should start heading down to the pitch. The match is going to start soon, and Blaise obviously isn't going to be holding our seats anymore since he's playing."

"Oh, yeah, we should get going," Desiree nodded, standing from the Slytherin table.

"Are you alright? It seems like your mind has been elsewhere lately," Pansy looked at Desiree as the two girls walked down to the Quidditch Pitch. It was the typical, high heat, Slytherin v. Gryffindor match.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've just had a bit on my mind lately," Desiree nodded.

"Well, if you ever want to talk to someone about it, I'm always here," said Pansy.

"Thanks," Desiree grinned. "Now, let's get to this match."

Within what felt like a few moments of arriving in the Slytherin stands, the match had begun. Usually, Slytherin put up a good fight against Gryffindor. But, Ron was doing amazing at being keeper for Gryffindor. Though Desiree was still rooting for Slytherin, she had to admit, the new Gryffindor team was doing amazing.

"Hey, I didn't think you were going to come," Desiree said surprisedly as Draco walked up to her side.

"I had to see Blaise play. After all, he was here at every match when I played. So, I figured I'd return the favor," Draco shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad you're here," she grinned before moving her attention back to the match.

Pansy spent most of the match admiring Blaise. Well, she swore she was simply cheering on a friend, but Desiree could tell it wasn't just that. Even Draco could tell it wasn't just that. Everything felt nice with Draco and Pansy at Desiree's side as they watched Blaise in his Quidditch match. It felt like things were as close to as they used to be. But, all of that was soon proven to be short-lived.

"I have to go," Draco leaned over to Desiree.

"What? Why?" she looked up to him with confusion.

"I just have something I need to do." He didn't bother waiting for her to say anything else before leaving the stands.

"Where's he going?" asked Pansy.

"I don't know," said Desiree, looking back at Draco walking away before looking at Pansy. Why was he acting like this? And, why was he keeping things from her?

After Gryffindor won the match, Hermione practically begged Desiree to sneak into the common room for the celebratory party Gryffindor was throwing. Desiree finally agreed after Ginny began asking her. She also agreed in hopes of getting Draco off of her mind.

The party in the Gryffindor common room in the late hours of the night had been a smashing success. Everyone cheered loudly for the Gryffindor players, though it was mainly Ron they were celebrating. Desiree found herself doing well at pushing her worries for Draco in the back of her mind.

"You know, you're lucky you didn't get caught today. You could have cost Gryffindor the season if Madam Hooch found out," Hermione looked to Harry.

"What's she going on about?" Desiree looked at Harry skeptically as the three leaned against one of the walls in the corner.

"Relax, I didn't do anything," Harry held out the small vial of Felix Felicis that was still full to the rim.

"You didn't put it in," said Hermione. "He only thought you did." Hermione's gaze slipped to Ron. She looked quite proud of him.  But Hermione's demeanor suddenly changed. Desiree looked back at the crowd where Hermione had been looking. Then she saw it, rather who she saw. Lavender Brown was snogging Ron as people cheered them on. Desiree's heartfelt crushed for Hermione. It was painfully obvious she fancied Ron. Everyone thought Ron had similar feelings but his actions said differently.

"If you'll excuse me," Hermione rushed out of the room. Desiree followed her quickly, Harry slowly followed behind.

Desiree found Hermione sitting in the empty corridor next to the Gryffindor common room, crying as she pulled her knees up to her chest. "Hermione, are you alright?"

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine," said Hermione, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Hermione," Desiree looked to her with concerned eyes as she sat down next to her.

"Oh fine, no I'm not," said Hermione, another tear falling down her cheek. "I just- I thought there was something there. God, how could I be so stupid?"

"Hey, look at me. You are not stupid. If anything Ron is making the biggest mistake of his life right now," said Desiree, rubbing Hermione's back to comfort her.

"She's right. Ron's being a git right now," said Harry, sitting down at Hermione's other side. Evidently, he had been listening from a distance.

"See, Ron will realize what he's doing is wrong," said Desiree.

"Yeah? And when's that? After he's done snogging Lavender right in front of me even after he made me believe we may have actually had something?" More tears began to stream down her face.

Though Desiree was trying to comfort Hermione, she was finding it hard to with the current state of her relationship. Harry must have noticed Desiree's sudden change in behavior, for he took her place of comforting Hermione. Desiree made sure they would be alright without her before she began walking to the astronomy tower. Her place of comfort thanks to all of the happy memories she had with Draco.

Within only a few moments of sitting at the top of the astronomy tower, Desiree felt a tear fall down her cheek. It seemed absolutely ridiculous. Why was she crying?

She knew deep down it was because she could feel Draco slowly slipping from her. But what was hurting her at that moment was the fact that she couldn't even comfort her friend correctly because she herself felt like she was losing the things closest to her. And she couldn't do anything about it.

"Ally?" a timid voice sounded from behind her.

"What? Oh, hi Draco," she sniffled turning back around to look at the stars as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Are you alright? Why are you crying?" Draco slowly sat down next to her.

"Draco, I can't lose you," she looked at him with tear glazed eyes. She watched as his jaw clenched.


"Draco, please, just don't keep any more secrets from me. Promise me, no more secrets," another tear streaked down her cheek as his eyes met hers.

His jaw tensed again as he gazed at her. He was silent for a moment before his hand slowly grabbed hers, "No more secrets."

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