Chapter 3-13: Buckbeak's Execution

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**Hi everyone! I wanted to make an important announcement for the continuation of this story. Just like with Weasley Charm I have decided after heavy consideration to change Y/n to the name Desiree. This will by no means change the outcome of the story, I just feel as though it fits my writing style more as it continues to evolve. I will be working on changing the name in earlier chapters however I wanted to start with the name change now! I hope you all still enjoy none the less, this is for the betterment of the story as it will better fit my writing style with an actual name!**

"Pansy would you get down here! The match starts in ten minutes!" yelled Desiree.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," said Pansy. As she began walking down the stairs she abruptly stopped, "It appears we have switch places again," she laughed.

"It appears we have. Now come on, I don't want to be late," Desiree said as she grabbed Pansy's arm and began to walk out of the common room.

The two girls rushed out over the the quidditch pitch, completely skipping breakfast, just in time for the players of each team to kick off the ground. The green and red quidditch uniforms of Slytherin and Gryffindor became blurs as the players flew at high speeds.

"There you two are. I was beginning to think you weren't coming," said Blaise.

"Ah well, Pansy over here wanted to take forever to get ready," laughed Desiree.

"Hey the point is we made it just in time for the match," said Pansy, looking to both Blaise and Desiree.

The three friends eagerly watched the beginning of the match. That was until it was clear that Slytherin would not be winning the Quidditch Cup this year.

"Great, now not only is Gryffindor going to win the House Cup they're also going to win the Quidditch Cup this year," said Blaise in a disappointed tone.

Later that evening most of the Slytherin's sat in the common room, though they had lost the Quidditch match they still celebrated that they got that far in the race for the Quidditch Cup. Desiree sat with Pansy and Blaise near one of the corners while Draco sat with Emma on one of the couches with the other Slytherin players. As Desiree would throw occasional glances to Draco it seemed as though his eyes always met hers as she looked him.

* * *

About a week later, Desiree sat with Cedric in the great hall just talking to him. That was until Hermione walked up to her with Harry and Ron.

"Oh hi, Hermione," said Desiree.

"I think you might want to come with us to Hagrid's. It's Buckbeak's execution day." said Hermione.

"Okay, yeah I'll go," she said to Hermione. "Cedric I'll be back soon."

"Do you want me to come with you?" asked Cedric.

"No it's alright. I'll be back soon I promise," said Desiree.

The group of four then began to make their way down to Hagrid's hut. As they walked past the outdoor courtyard they saw the executioner sharpening his blade. Desiree grimaced at the sight of the large blade, knowing what it was going to be used for in just an hour. As they grew closer to the hut they heard a familiar voice, a voice Desiree knew all too well.

"He is unbelievable." said Hermione, rolling her eyes.

"Look who's here." said Crabbe.

"Oh, come to see the show." Draco gloated.

"You, you foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach!" snapped Hermione, pulling her wand on Draco. Draco began to whimper as Hermione's wand pressed into his neck.

Even Desiree had to admit it was a little funny as Ron said, "Hermione no! He's not worth it."

Hermione seemed to drop her wand after a few moments and begin to walk away. Just as Hermione turned away Draco began to laugh.

"Oh no, he's in trouble now." whispered Desiree to Harry.

Hermione, after hearing the laugh, struck Draco in the face. Draco fell back from the force put behind Hermione's hand. Desiree couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as Draco ran away because if they really thought about it Hermione got her payback for all of the mean things Draco has said to her over the years.

"That felt good." said Hermione.

"Not good..." said Ron.

"Brilliant!" said Desiree, finishing Ron's sentence.

The three others looked to Desiree with confused expressions on their faces. "What? Just because I'm friends with him doesn't mean I don't know he didn't just deserve that," she laughed. "I should probably go check on him though. I'll make sure he doesn't go tell his father."

"Are you sure?" asked Harry.

"Well if Lucius Malfoy hears that a muggle born hit his son in the face, it might not go over well for Hermione," said Desiree.

"Yeah I suppose she's right," said Hermione.

"Tell Hagrid I said hello and that I wish I was there," said Desiree, now walking back through the castle. She searched all over until she finally found Draco sitting in the Hospital Wing. "You look terrible," she laughed as she walked over to him.

"Come to gloat have we?" asked Draco.

"I'm not the one that hit you remember?" said Desiree with a joking smile on her face.

"You didn't stop her though," said Draco.

"Yeah well, I guess you can think of it as her getting back at you for all of the mean things you've said to her," Desiree laughed.

"I'm glad you think my pain is funny," Draco said with a slight grin.

"Maybe just a little," Desiree smiled.

As Desiree sat with Draco, waiting for his nose to be fixed by Madam Pomfrey, they sat and talked for longer than either of them expected. Desiree had even managed to make Draco smile and laugh for the first time she had seen in a while. She couldn't explain it but Draco was different around her, he seemed to be in a better mood, happier even.

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