Chapter 4-13: The Astronomy Tower

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"Okay, now tell me what a Calming Draught is used for," Desiree looked to Draco as the two of them sat in library for another tutoring session one saturday morning.

"Haven't we been over this one at least a million times?" asked Draco.

"Quite the exaggerator this morning, aren't we?" Desiree laughed. "It never hurts to go back to things already gone over. Now tell me what Calming Draughts are used for."

"They're used to calm a person down after they have suffered a shock, trauma, or emotional outburst. Happy?" Draco turned his head to Desiree.

"Not quite. Can you tell me the ingredients?" she gave a slight grin.

"Lavender, Crocodile heart, and Peppermint are the main ones," said Draco.

"The main ones? Do you not know the others?" she asked.

"Um, well," Draco began nervously.

"I'm only joking. There aren't any others," she laughed.

"You are an evil person," a small smile grew on Draco's face.

"Ah well I try," she giggled. Desiree then saw Cedric emerge from behind one of the bookcases; he was clearly looking for her. "Oh no, I lost track of time. I've got to go."

"But-" Draco began.

"We'll pick back up next week I promise," Desiree then walked over to Cedric.

"Hey, are you ready?" Cedric smiled.

"If you mean ready to walk around the castle like we always do then yes," she giggled.

"Come on then," he wrapped his arm around Desiree's shoulder and began walking.

"So, have you figured out what the second task is?" Desiree looked up to Cedric as they walked along the outdoor corridor.

"Well seeing as how the task is a week from today I would really hope so," he chuckled.

"That still didn't answer my question," a sarcastic smile grew on her face.

"Yes I did figure it out," he smiled.


"And what?" he asked confused.

"What is it?" asked Desiree.

"We have to go in the Black Lake for an hour," said Cedric matter of factly.

"I'm sorry I must have misheard you because it sounded like you said you had to go in the Black Lake for an hour," Desiree stopped walking.

"I did," Cedric stood in front of her.

"And you aren't at all worried?" she looked up to him.

"No, I have a good strategy for the task. Besides, if anything goes wrong they'll pull me from the task," said Cedric.

"If you say so," Desiree felt a small amount of her worry subside.

"I'll be right back. Stay here," Cedric walked passed Desiree and over to Harry. The two boys talked for a bit before Cedric turned back and walked to Desiree again.

"What was that about?" asked Desiree.

"I was telling him something about the task. Now come on. Let's continue our walk," Cedric hooked his arm onto Desiree's shoulders once more as they walked. As Desiree walked she felt happy but she couldn't help but think of the letter her mother wrote her. The same letter that was still stashed under a sweater in her trunk.

* * *

The next Friday, the day before the second task, Desiree sat next to Draco in potions. Like usual, they were all waiting for Snape to begin the lesson. Draco had been quite cold towards Desiree throughout the week.

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