Chapter 4-8: The Article

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As Desiree and Draco sat in the library for another tutoring session, Draco continued to look to Desiree.

"Desiree," he said timidly.

"Yes Draco?" she moved her eyes to him.

"Your necklace. The one you wore everyday since first year. Why aren't you wearing it right now?" he looked to her.

"I lost it. It fell off when I was running from the Death Eaters at the World Cup."

"Well are your parents going to get you a new one?"

"They don't even know that I've lost it. They've been so busy at the Ministry lately I've barely been able to talk to them," said Desiree. There seemed to be an awkward silence lingering around them until Desiree finally spoke, "Okay now tell me what the Pepperup Potion is used for?" she looked to him, trying to change the subject.

"It can be used to cure colds and to warm the drinker," said Draco.

"Okay, what about Calming Draughts?" asked Desiree.

"They can be used to calm a person down after they have suffered a shock, trauma, or emotional outburst," said Draco again. This one a bit faster than the first.

"Wiggenweld Potion?"

"It can be used to heal injuries, or reverse the effects of a Sleeping Draught," Draco slightly squinted as he said this. Clearly thinking of his answer.

"Draco you did it! You told me all of the things the potions do correctly!" she said excitedly.

"I did?" he asked excitedly.

"You did!" she smiled before the both of them hugged. There it was again. That sense of warmth Desiree had felt the last time they were in the library together. It was weird, she had never felt this feeling before that one night and here it presented itself again. The hug lasted for only a quick few seconds before they both pulled back.

Draco looked into her bright green eyes in silence for a moment, "Sorry, I must have gotten carried away."

"It's okay we were both excited," she smiled. "Now shall we get back to studying?"

"Yeah, why not?" he averted his eyes.

"Actually, why don't we call it a night? You've already made progress so this can be your reward," Desiree began to close their books.

"Are you sure?" he asked as he stood.

"Draco, people deserve to be rewarded for their accomplishments every now and then. It's time you should be rewarded," she smiled.

The pair then walked out of the library together and into the common room before saying goodnight to each other. As Desiree walked in her dorm she found Pansy already asleep. She then quietly closed the door and leaned against it. She exhaled deeply as she replayed the events from the library in her head.

The next few days had carried on like normal. Desiree talked to Harry, Ron, and Hermione a bit, she was with Pansy a lot more. Desiree and Draco carried on like they had before, however, there did seem to be something lingering in the air when they were around each other.

"Can you believe it? I mean I'm actually helping him," Desiree smiled to Cedric as they walked in the courtyard together.

"If anyone could help Malfoy with potions it's you," he smiled to her.

"I was beginning to think he was a lost cause there for a second. But it seems like he's actually trying in Potions now. Like I made him promise," she smiled.

"Oh hey, I have to get to Herbology before I'm late," Cedric quickly kissed Desiree.

"Okay I'll see you later," she smiled. As Desiree turned to walk back towards the castle she heard a familiar voice.

"Ah well if it isn't the girl who has it all," Draco called out. Crabbe and Goyle were by his side.

"What are you talking about?" Desiree turned.

"This," Draco tossed her a copy of the latest edition of the Daily Prophet.

Desiree read the Headline:

The Girl Who Has It All?

Desiree Alcyone, the youngest member of the Alcyone Family, is pictured with Cedric Diggory, one of the four Triwizard Tournament champions, after sneaking into the champion's tent  to see him before the first task. It appears Desiree strives for things more than just her family's wealth and respect.

"Why are you showing me this?" Desiree glared to Draco. She knew that he was using this against her because he knew she hated Rita Skeeter.

"There could be many reasons," he paused, "but I guess the main reason is to know if 'The Girl Who Has It All'  has been asked to the ball by her precious boyfriend," his tone was cold, much different than it was just a few days ago. Crabbe and Goyle let out slight chuckles

"Draco I don't see how that's any of your business," Desiree could feel her anger rising within herself. Cedric actually had not asked her yet, though the ball was only a week and a half away.

"Well you made such a big deal about it when I didn't tell you about Emma. So I guess I'm just making sure you tell me everything. Because as you said it, 'I've been your best friend since first year," he had a nasty smile plastered across his face.

"You are unbelievable. Do you know that?" Desiree could feel tears building in her eyes. They were a mix of anger and hurt.

"Just making sure 'The Girl Who Has It All' actually has everything she wants," he gleamed. Desiree's vision began to slightly blur from her tears forming.

"It looks like she might cry," Goyle laughed.

"You can consider our tutoring sessions over. I'm done," Desiree stepped up to Draco's eye level. Draco stood silent as Desiree's eyes peered to him with hurt and anger blazing like a fire inside of them. She looked to Crabbe and Goyle at Draco's side before walking away. She walked all the way to the common room without speaking to anyone.

"Desiree, what's wrong?" Pansy stood up from the couch.

"It's nothing. Go back to talking with Blaise," she continued all the way to her room. Just a few seconds later Pansy walked in.

"Desiree what happened?" she sat down next to Desiree.

"It's Draco," she paused, "he stopped me in the courtyard with Crabbe and Goyle. He kept calling me 'The Girl Who Has It All' because of the article in the Daily Prophet. He kept talking about me and Cedric. He threw the fact that I was mad about him not telling me about Emma in my face and said that he wanted to make sure I was telling him everything. Pansy, you didn't see the look on his face. He enjoyed the fact that his words were hurting me."

"Oh Desiree," Pansy hugged her.

"Why is he doing this?" Desiree looked up to Pansy with tear filled eyes.

"I don't know," Pansy lightly rubbed Desiree's back to comfort her, "I don't know."

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