Chapter 5-18: Staying Behind

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"Ally, are you sure you have to go?" asked Draco, grabbing her wrist to stop her from walking.

"Draco, I have to go. Harry said this meeting is important," said Desiree, her voice was a quiet whisper to keep other students from hearing.

"Ally, Umbridge is closing in. I mean what would happen if she were to catch you?" he brought his eyes to her level.

"Then I'll have to suffer the consequences. I will not bow down to her," said Desiree, pulling her wrist from Draco's grasp.

"Please," Draco pleaded.

"Draco I have to go," Desiree looked into his cool grey eyes.

He exhaled deeply for a moment, "Just be careful, okay?"

"I will I promise. Now go before Umbridge starts suspecting you," Desiree gently pushed his shoulder in the opposite direction of where she would be walking.

The entire walk to the Room of Requirement was filled with endless thinking for Desiree. She couldn't help but wonder if Draco was warning her that Umbridge might go after them tonight. Nonetheless, Desiree's worry faded as she entered the room with the rest of the D. A.

"Okay, it looks like everyone is here now," said Harry. Desiree quickly walked to stand at Hermione's side. "I thought today we could work on Patronus Charms. They're quite simple once you get the hang of it, but the key is to remain focused. If you lose focus your patronus will disappear. All you have to do is focus on your single most happy memory and saw the incantation Expecto Patronum. Alright, let's give it a whirl, shall we?"

With this all of the members began to spread out around the room. Hermione and Desiree moved to the edge of the room with Luna and Ginny. Ron stood near the other end of the room with Neville. Fred and George stayed near the center of the room. Desiree watched as people around the room began to attempt the spell. There were some that were successful on the first try while others were not quite successful.

"Remember to make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up. Keep trying Seamus," said Harry, quickly pointing to him before walking over to Fred and George. "George, your turn now."

"Expecto Patronum!" said George. A magpie emerged from the end of his wand and began fluttering around the room.

"A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents," said Harry, now walking past Desiree and Ginny.

Ginny quickly got ready, as if she were waiting for Harry to see her to the spell, and raised her wand, "Expecto Patronum!"

"Fantastic, Ginny!" said Harry excitedly as he watched a Black Mare emerged from her wand and trotted around the room.

"Come on then, Desiree," Hermione nudged her shoulder.

"I suppose I should try now," she grinned. Desiree closed her eyes to focus on her happiest memories. She began thinking of the summer she spent decorating the guest house with her aunt Aurora, other fun trips she took with her family, but everything seemed to suddenly change to the night Desiree had sat on the roof of the guest house watching the stars with Draco. Everything felt safe when she thought that. Her mind then flashed to the night in the Astronomy tower just a few weeks before; the first time they had both admitted their feelings, the first time they kissed, and then the night she woke up with Draco sound asleep on her. Desiree quickly opened her eyes, still focusing on those memories, "Expecto Patronum!"

A patronus in the form of a dragon emerged from her wand. The mighty dragon began soaring around the room, catching almost everyone's attention as it passed them. Desiree was in shock at not only the strength of her patronus but the patronus itself.

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