Chapter 4-6: The Ferret

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Just a few weeks later Desiree sat in Potions class with Draco. Awaiting for Snape to explain what potion they would be making today.

"Silence," Snape called out as he walked through the door. "Today you will be making a Calming Draught. They can be used to calm a person down after they have suffered a shock, trauma, or emotional outburst. You will find the ingredients and steps of making this potion on page fifty-eight."

Desiree quickly gathered the ingredients for the new potion and began to follow the steps from the book. She hadn't known it but Draco had cast many glances to her throughout the class. Whether it was to watch how she did something for the potion or to simply look at her, no one knows. Just as it had been for the past four years, Desiree was among the very few who managed to compose such a potion to fit Snape's standards. She began to think Snape gave his students potions he knew they would be incapable of brewing, with expectations that some would succeed, just so he could be demeaning towards them.

"You may all leave. Class is dismissed," said Snape.

Just as Desiree and Draco began to walk out of the classroom with Pansy and Blaise, Snape called them.

"Miss Alcyone, Mr. Malfoy, I need to see the both of you for a moment."

"Yes sir?" asked Desiree a she and Draco walked up to his desk.

"Are the two of you going to continue your tutoring session? It seemed as though they started to help at the end of last year and I would hate for all of that progress to slip away," he said looking to the two children.

"Yes sir. We had one session already. However, it's been quite a bit of time since that one," said Desiree.

"I think it would be wise to start having those more frequently," said Snape. "You may go now."

"Do you want to meet in the library later?" she asked Draco.

"I'll see you there," he said before walking over to Emma who was standing a bit farther in the corridor.

"Can you believe I have to tutor him now?" Desiree said, walking with Cedric to the courtyard after classes.

"Weren't you doing it already?" Cedric chuckled.

"Yes but the point was that I was doing it voluntarily. Now I have actually have to try to have one regularly." she looked to Cedric as the two of them now sat down.

"Ahh that makes more sense," laughed Cedric. Clearly still not understanding.

"Hey what are those?" she asked as she pointed to buttons that many of the Hogwarts students wore. "Potter stinks."

"I told them not to wear them but they still are," said Cedric.

"They're completely barbaric. I mean out of all the ways to show their support towards you," said Desiree. "Do you know who made them?"

"I'm not sure. I just started seeing them one day." he looked around to the other students.

"Can I talk to you?" Harry asked Cedric.

"Sure," said Cedric warily.

As Desiree sat waiting for Harry and Cedric to finish their conversation, she saw Draco sitting in a tree talking with Crabbe and Goyle, Emma along with them. She watched as a face she knew all too well began to form. He was planning something. And sure enough, just as Harry was walking away he called him.

"Why so tense Pottah?" Draco called out.

"Oh no," Desiree stood up and walked over to the two boys with Cedric behind her.

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