Chapter 4-10: The Dress

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Desiree awoke the morning after dancing with Draco in the common room with an odd feeling. Almost as though she was conflicted about something. Nonetheless she got up and put on a warm sweater and made her way down to the Great Hall. She immediately found Cedric sitting at the end of one of the long tables.

"Hi stranger," she smiled.

"I saw you yesterday," he laughed.

"I know, I just like saying hi stranger," Desiree giggled.

"You amaze me with the amount of quirks you have everyday," Cedric smiled.

"What can I say? I do have a lot of them," she popped a grape into her mouth.

"Yes you do," he smiled. They then ate breakfast together. Each sharing laughs with the other. They sat together talking about nonsense well past the end of breakfast. Their conversation seemed to have no end until Cedric's friends asked if it was alright that they hung out with him. After telling Cedric to go hang out with his friends Desiree began walking back down to the common room.

"Desiree!" Blaise called out in one of the corridors.

"Yes?" she turned.

"Did you hear about Draco and Emma?" he asked out of breath.

"What about them?" a confused expression grew on her face.

"They broke up," Blaise looked to Desiree.

"What? When? Why?" she asked in shock.

"It happened this morning. No one knows what happened. Pansy didn't tell you?" asked Blaise.

"No she didn't. I've been with Cedric all morning," said Desiree.

"Oh," he paused, "well maybe you should act surprised when she tells you. Otherwise she'll be mad at me for telling you."

"I need to go find Draco," Desiree walked away from Blaise and began searching the castle. After searching the castle for nearly two hours Desiree found Draco sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall.

"Draco," she sat down, 'I've been looking all over for you."

"I've been right here for the past twenty minutes," said Draco.

"Ah, well twenty minutes ago I was searching the astronomy tower," she chuckled.

"Ally, what's this about?" he looked to her.

"I heard about you and Emma," she admitted reluctantly, "I had to make sure you were alright."

"I suspect that Pansy told you?" he had a slight chuckle behind his words.

"Actually it was Blaise," she chuckled. Remembering him stopping her in the corridor.

"Blaise? He really needs to stop being around Pansy so much," he smiled ever so slightly.

"Well I think you could help him with that," Desiree smiled. There was a pause after this. Almost as though the amount of unspoken things around them were fighting to be the spoken first.

"Ally," he looked away for a moment before looking back, "what am I supposed to do?"

"You have to go on with your life. It's okay to be sad or angry but don't stay there too long," she place her hand on top of his, "If she wants to get up and walk out of your life you have to let her. Draco you gave her everything you could. You just have to let her go."

Draco sat silent for a moment, obviously not knowing what to say.

"Desiree!" Pansy ran over to her in the Great Hall excitedly.

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