Chapter 4-12: The Christmas Letter

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Desiree awoke the next morning with a rush of excitement; today was Christmas. She jumped out of bed and immediately ran over to Pansy's.

"Pansy get up!" she leaned over her friend.

"What? What happened?" Pansy sat up quickly.

"Nothing happened. It's Christmas morning," Desiree smiled.

"Desiree, you could have at least let me sleep for another hour," Pansy placed her pillow over her head.

"Come on, get up already. Blaise might be up," Desiree said in a teasing tone.

"You know I really despise you sometimes," Pansy stood up from her bed.

"Oh but that's the same reason why you love me," Desiree giggled as she hooked her arm onto Pansy's shoulder. As the two girls walked down to the common room they found Draco and Blaise sitting on the couches.

"Oh wow they're finally up," Blaise laughed.

"What do you mean finally? Isn't it like eight in the morning?" asked Desiree.

"Try ten," Draco chuckled.

"And you wanted to sleep longer," Desiree turned to Pansy.

"It would have been nice," Pansy sat down next to Blaise. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"Well, there's going to be a feast later tonight since most of Hogwarts stayed behind this year," said Draco.

"That doesn't really help with what we'll do until then," said Desiree.

"Well I suppose we can open our presents," Blaise looked to each of them.

"Ooo I'll go get them," Desiree smiled as she excitedly ran up to hers and Pansy's room to retrieve their presents.

"Blimey, how many did you get?" Blaise laughed.

"Relax. This is Pansy and mine together," Desiree placed the presents on the floor in front of them.

After the four of them opened their gifts they all walked to their rooms to get ready to play in the snow; Desiree's idea of course. Desiree placed her new sweaters and book from her parents on top of her trunk and began to bundle on layers.

"Pansy could you help me put the charm on my bracelet that you gave me?" Desiree turned to her.

"We'll put it right next to the charm Cedric gave you last year," Pansy fastened the small charm onto the bracelet that still fit perfectly after four years.

"Thanks," Desiree smiled before turning back to her trunk.

"Hey, did Draco get you anything? I saw that you got him a sweater but I never saw you open a gift from him," Pansy turned to her.

"Oh, yeah he did. He got me this necklace," Desiree showed Pansy the necklace around her neck.

"Isn't that the one you were given by your parents first year?" Pansy looked confused.

"I lost that one at the World Cup when I was running from the Death Eaters. Draco gave me this one last night before the ball," Desiree smiled as the two girls now walked out of the room and down to the common room again.

"I never even realized you had lost it," said Pansy.

"Yeah well he noticed during one of our tutoring sessions. Speaking of which I should ask if he wants to start doing those again," said Desiree. As soon as the girls arrived in the common room they began walking down to the main doors of the castle with Draco and Blaise.

"Draco , if you still want to have tutoring sessions we can. I know I said I wouldn't but that was before we got over our little fight," Desiree looked to him.

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