Chapter 6-13: Ring of Fire

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The days leading up to Christmas day felt like a dream. Desiree had been able to take her mind off of Draco with her friends at her side, Hermione sadly not in the mix. Mrs. Weasley made sure Desiree was eating, which quickly brought back the color in Desiree's face, and even started to get her body back to looking how it was before Draco told her the horrid truth that he cheated on her.

Desiree knew she wasn't over it, but the Weasley's were providing enough of a distraction to keep her mind off of it in the meantime. In truth, she didn't know if she would ever be over it. She didn't know when she'd be able to move on and heal from the open wound he had caused. But she told herself that she would try her hardest to heal.

"Desiree, wake up," a voice sounded. Desiree, however, didn't move, she was comfortable in her slumber.

"Desiree, wake up!" the same voice sounded, although it now sounded more girly than it had before, likely because Desiree was slowly waking from her sleep. Desiree still didn't move.

"Alright, you asked for it," the voice said again before a pillow hit her head with a thud.

"Hey," Desiree sat up, sleepily rubbing her eyes. "What was that for?"

"I told you to get up," Ginny laughed. "Now, come on, it's Christmas."

"Can't I sleep in? Just five more minutes," she groaned.

"Mum made french toast," Ginny gloated.

"Blimey, you should have started with that. Let's go," Desiree jumped out of the spare bed she was sleeping on, slipping on a pair of slippers and a warm jumper over her tank top.

"I should have known that would have worked. I've only seen you eat almost an entire batch of mum's french toast to yourself for about three years now," she giggled.

With this, the girls quickly made their way downstairs and into the kitchen where the twins and Mr. Weasley sat. Mrs. Weasely was just finishing scooping the slices of french toast onto the large serving plate.

"Oh, good morning girls," said Mr. Weasley. His voice was much more chipper this morning, most likely because it was Christmas.

"Morning dad," Ginny grinned.

"Goodmorning, Mr. Weasley," Desiree smiled. She was feeling good today, much better than she had in the past days. She didn't feel like she was masking her true feelings as much.

"Oh please, call me Arthur," he grinned.

"Arthur," Desiree nodded, sitting down next to Ginny at the table.

"Are Ron and Harry not up yet?" asked Ginny.

"No, we were trying to let everyone sleep. Or at least wait until you girls woke up," said Mrs. Weasley.

Desiree quickly turned her head to Ginny, Ginny was already looking at her with the same narrowed eyes.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Desiree.

"I don't know, why don't we go test that theory?" Ginny grinned as the girls quickly stood from the table.

"Where do you two think you're going?" Fred called after them.

"None of your business," Ginny yelled back to him.

With this, the girls made their way to Ron's room. They quietly opened the door, making their way to each of the boys. Ginny hovered her wand over Harry's face as Desiree hovered hers over Ron's.

With a silent nod and a grin, both girls whispered, 'Aguamenti', causing water to splash on each of the boys' faces. Both of them immediately jumped up. Ron slapped his face as he did so, causing both Ginny and Desiree to burst into a fit of giggles.

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