Lieutenant Commander Data Part 2

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It had been nearly two years since lore attacked, even dad was worried for me he made me take a self-defense class.
I just woke up from my nap when my dad called me to the bridge.
A Little unusual since no one would be on the bridge right now but I didn't think to much about that. When I opened the door Dad was busy at the computer
"He will meet you"
He stated, turning around he motioned to the computer chairs around him.

"Captain! He's turned life support back on, on the bridge and there seems to be another life form on the bridge" Geordi shouted out, with all of the recent failures this discovery got everyone just a touch excited before the captain realized
"That might be y/n, if somethings happened to data we don't want to risk the possibility of killing her"
They all nodded and went back to their respective tasks, dejectedly, and quickly loosing hope.

"Please sit down, We will be transporting shortly"
Hesitantly I sat down next to my dad, hissing when I took a wrong step, I still had quite a lot of pain in my legs from when I got attacked.
I watched Dad closely, I was beginning to make the connection that someone was calling to him, when I was old enough to understand Dad taught me as much as he could about his systems.
Dad spoke to the computer for a few minutes, reciting the captains ridiculously long password.
"173467321476-Charlie-32789777643-tango-732-victor-7311788732476789764376 lock"
I smirked at him, but didn't comment up until he grabbed my arm and very quickly pulled me up.
"Jeez dad calm down"
I pulled myself out of his grip, and choose to just hold his hand.
"Are you alright?" I asked a security officer as he crashed into a force field, Dad just tugged me along.
"Stop Data!"
I shouted at Will when he appearing on the transporter Pad, still holding my hand dad enabled the transporter again.
He led me through the forest silently, only if there was a big hole or something he would pick me up and lift me over it.
Finally we got to a large building, when the door opened I interlocked my hand with dads, he didn't respond but I felt the need to stand in front of him as an elderly man climbed down from a latter, laughing to himself.
"You're Right on Time"

Time Skip

"One of these"
The man struggled until a second later dad woke up with a start, looking at me and resting his arm on mine then standing up to look at the man.
"I fail to recall how I arrived here"
He remarked behind him, he beckoned me closer.
"I sent for you.. in a manner of speaking"
The man looked almost identical to dad, if he was human and old.
"And who might you be sir?"
He chuckled again, before rushing behind himself
"Data to enterprise, enterprise do you read me?"
I watched dad until the man grabbed him by the chin and inspected him
"I have always loved that face, Please sit down"
Dad recounted what happened as I watched him, waiting to see what I should do.
He gestured to some chairs and I followed dad by staying put.
"I must find away to contact the enterprise, I must return y/n to safety"
I smacked his arm as the man shuffled back to us
"Tell me.. do I look  familiar to you?"
He asked as he looked over him with some sort of tool.
"You do bear a resemblance to doctor Noonien soong the cyberneticst who..."
He chuckled and something clicked in my head
"No! He's not? Is he?"
"Doctor Soong was killed shortly afterward"
We followed the man, who grabbed some sort of book.
"Well this is your lucky day, she's right you know, you've found your long lost father"
"But the colony was destroyed"
The man explained more and I smiled as my father looked between me and him
"It is you"
He couldn't feel shock but I had a feeling if he could he would've.
"I'll be honest I don't know her, I don't know why you brought her"
He pointed to me
"I'm Data's daughter, Mr. Soong"
I smiled as I looked at the both of them
"Where's your mother?"
He asked practically jumping on me, smiling
"She died, I was adopted when data found me on my home planet"
"Oh, No matter! now we have tests to run"
He sat dad down and started with basic cognitive functions.

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