Commander William T. Riker

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As the resident nobody, I very rarely interacted with anybody if I did it was only absolutely necessary.
Will Riker seemed to be my only friend or the person I could have the least awkward conversation with.
I sat by myself in my quarters eating a quick lunch, reading a small book.
When Will came in I shoved some food over to him, for him to slide it right back.
"Y/n, Will you accompany me to ten forward? You need to make some more friends. I love spending time with you but I don't want to be your only friend on the ship"
I felt my stomach tense up at the thought of talking to all those people.
"You never seemed to have a problem before"
He sighed
"Well I didn't have a problem until I realised that, you spend all your time by yourself. I just want to look out for you"
I sighed too, every instinct in my body told me to not go, stay inside and not talk to anyone ever again but disappointing my best friend didn't seem like a good idea.
"Fineee but please stay beside me, I'm going to need you to save me from some awkward conversations"
He nodded, and smiled letting the subject drop, none of the sudden anxiety left.
A few hours later The red alert siren had began to ring so I as I was returning to the med-bay I had to clutch the wall to keep from falling over.
I heard distant screaming, knowing that my conscious wouldn't let me just leave those people.
I followed the screaming to find 3 people stuck under a fallen piece of pipe, none of them looked seriously injured minus the giant pipe on top of them.
I started to try and lift up to pipe, once I got it up a little bit, the first guy was able to shimmy his was out from underneath.
Once he was on his feet he helped me pull the other two out, the third girls leg was obviously broken, certain bones were not in the right place.
I helped the two guys carry her away but not fully down the hallway.
I didn't even register what happened as suddenly as they turned away, I could hear nothing but the ringing in my ears as I was sucked out into the vacuum of space my last thought turned to Will, before everything seemed to stop.

Wills' POV

It was never pleasant to deal with the romulans but I held onto the hope that whatever happened would be over quickly.
In all the chaos I had almost forgotten y/n, she had told me about how much she hates the sirens with red alert. I came back to the conversations when I heard that voice who I couldn't help but hate
"Poor thing, I believe you were very close to this one weren't you Commander Riker?"
All the breath seemed to leave my body as y/n's lifeless body floated in front of the ship, among the debris from the ship.
"It's not real, it's a trick"
I spoke without thinking all patients I had before disappeared like the wind as I waited for Data to tell me it was all a lie
"I can confirm sir, it is not a trick"
My ears almost refused to hear that y/n was dead, I wanted to throw things I wanted to react but I held it down, As I carried on the truth of how much I loved her, her smile, her eyes, the caring tone in her voice when I needed to talk to someone, that truth stung my whole being.

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