Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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I smiled at number one as he proudly came trotting up to me carrying his dead bird

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I smiled at number one as he proudly came trotting up to me carrying his dead bird.
"You're so proud of yourself aren't you?" I gave his ears a scratch and he plopped down next to me dropping it at my feet.
"Not a Chance" I kicked forward and he suddenly took off presumably to Jean-Luc.
I went back to my book and was quite at peace for 20 minutes until Zhaban greeted number one with the same dead bird in his mouth
"Hello number one what have you got?"
I smiled as Laris and my husband came into view
"More like whom has he got"
"Our little assassin" Laris quipped I set my book down to go chase him.
"Even assassins need baths sometimes" Jean-Luc gently grabbed my arm pulling me closer he kissed my cheek before letting me go.
I chased him around the vineyard having spent years running away from things with Jean-Luc on the enterprise chasing number one was a piece of cake. We were on our way back to the house when zhaban yelled
"DINNER! THAT GOES FOR BOTH OF YOU" I  mimicked the excited look on number ones face and we bounded up the steps together.
Earning smiles all around number 1 went to his doggy bowl and I went to my plate.
"I think he's gotten all the exercise he needs for a month" Jean-Luc quietly sipped on his soup.
"Me too" I blushed at the intensity of his gaze we have been married for 30 years and he still could make me blush like crazy.
"Tu rougis mon amour ( you blush my love)" Jean-Luc believes that I can't speak French and occasionally English.
"Comme autrefois? ( like in the old days?)" it was his turn to blush as I held his hand.
"Je t'aime goofball (I love you goofball)"

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