Lieutenant Commander Data

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My robes swayed in the wind as I waited, The Enterprise was running an hour late.
My fellow Vulcan chancellor's kept giving me the odd look, obviously thinking this was a was a huge mistake.
Finally, a small landing party beamed down.
Giving the usual greetings, I spoke first
"Captain Picard, I do hope you understand the immense importance of having representatives from the federation. I am staking my political career on personally inviting you here"
I replied, obviously he would of thought I was being a pompous ass, but seen as I'm not purely a Vulcan, my mother being half human. A lot of my fellow chancellors loved to use that as an excuse to bring me down, or worsen my chances of ever getting further in my political career.
"I apologize Chancellor V'Lennos, I understand how important it is that we are here, my ship had a small malfunction that delayed us"
"You must excuse Chancellor V'Lennos highly illogical behavior, she is not as well trained in controlling her emotions as the rest of us"
As soon as the others entered the court room, I  whispered under my breath
"Not as good as controlling her emotions my ass... shit"
You cursed realizing you were proving them right.
The moment you entered the conference began, and after a few longs of presenting a small recess was declared.
Sitting outside, wishing not to listen to anymore 'logical opinions' from my fellow councilors I noticed one of the away team from the enterprise approaching.
Closing my eyes I waited until he spoke
"Excuse me Chancellor V'lennos, I wish to speak with you"
Looking up, a pair of yellow eyes stared back.
"What is it? Commander Data"
"How do you know my name?"
"Just because my fellow chancellors love to point it out my more human aspects, that does not mean I am any less of a Vulcan"
He sat down next to me
"I do not wish to upset you Chancellor, I wish to ask you more questions about some Vulcan literature"
Looking down at my watch, I responded
"It's not too late, the library is still open, you can ask me on the way"
He continued, asking a few questions on some of the easy books.
"Data I have copies of the books you're asking about in my study, almost every Vulcan does"
He nodded,
"I cannot find any copies of these on the computer, we also do not have any Vulcans on the ship who could inform me on them"
"We still have 15 minutes before the conference starts again, Im fine with lending them too you"
He agreed, and we rushed off, in a slow jog until we reached my rooms.
"Chancellor, how shall I return them to you?"
I pushed the key in to fast it lodged itself in, as I struggled to pull it out, Data's hand graced mine, as the heat rushed to my cheeks he pulled the key out easily and as I tried again I unlocked the door much faster and ran in, quickly grabbing what I need, and handing off the four books he was asking for to him.
"That doesn't matter, you can keep them if you won't be near Vulcan any time soon.. sorry I have to go, you know attend to my-my duties and all that"
He nodded, going back the way we both came to the conference.
I almost ran the other way, trying to control my emotions as I thought about the feeling of his touch.

4 Months Later

I fiddled with the keys to my door again, Cursing under my breath.
Finally the door opened, as I closed it again swiftly I turned around and neatly placed on the coffee table in front of the room was the four books tied up with a small flower and a note
" I am unable to deliver the books in person, however the enterprise was close enough Geordi was able to transport the books, this is the best I could do as a thank you.
              Much appreciated Data"

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