Khan Noonien Singh

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"In the name of all that's good and holy Khan Noonien Singh I deem that you and the rest of your crew.."
I didn't hear the rest of the sentence as my heart broke, I could see Khan tense up in front of me at the sound of our daughter crying he held her hand quietly as we were ushered away from the court.
We had all been placed in separate cells, it took a lot of convincing but Khan and myself with our children were allowed in the same cell.
Once we sat down again, Khan pulled the four of us into a tight hug.
"I love you all so much, I love you so much that I'm going to get you out of here I promise"
My son, still only 2 years old held onto me tightly also very upset.
"How Khan? We don't have a choice"
He told me about his plans to get us out of there I already had a terrible feeling Khan was only planing for us to leave.
We were about to go to bed when I chose to voice my concerns to khan.
"What will happen to you?"
He didn't look at me as he whispered pulling himself closer to me to keep the kids from hearing
"I don't know, for now all that matters is that you all leave and stay safe for as long as you can"
"They need their father too"
I couldn't careless anymore about how I sounded like a nagging old hen, I just wanted him to be safe.
"Do you want to them to spend the rest of their lives frozen, adrift through space or do you want them to grow up and do something with their lives"
Khan ended the conversation by turning over, his temper getting the best of him. I didn't want to cause a problem so I turned away from him also, I fell asleep quicker than I imagined I could.
I was awoken quicker than I thought when Khan shook my shoulders feverishly.
"Wake up y/n it's time"
The next 5 minutes were a blur as we got ready, Khan wrapped the children up in dark cloaks, I did the same not wasting any time Khan lifted the kids up to the small vent at the top of the wall.
"Daddy loves you both so much, listen to your mother" Khan whispered to them, an attempt to keep them calm that didn't seem to work to well as their crying only seemed to get louder.
"Hey! What's going on in there!"
I panicked when I heard the guard shouting get closer, Khan shoved me up there, we didn't even have a chance to say goodbye but in the moment that didn't matter as I grabbed my children and we sprinted away.


After the kids and I got away, we were hiding in a safe house when they begged me to let them see what was going to happen to dad.
We slid on the same cloaks we were wearing that night when we entered the docking bay.
I immediately saw the machine, that one that was to put Khan and the rest of the crew to sleep.
I couldn't control my tears as I watched Khan get into the cryotube, bruises covered the side of his face and I could see him flinch when he had to lay down.
I gripped onto my daughters shoulder when I felt her move towards her father.
"We need to go"
I pulled them along, now I didn't careless to stick to the shadows normally I wouldn't dare but I felt so angry I couldn't control myself.


I sat there, on some strangers ship, alone, in horror as I read the computers log
"Y/N L/N and her two children body's were found dead almost 140 years since they were sentenced to cryogenic sleep"
I didn't even realize until I broke the sides of the table I was sat at, the pure anger and vengefulness that took over my body in that moment.
"Are you Alright?" 
The doctor burst in the room, taking a look at my hands
"I'm perfectly fine physician.. Perfectly fine"

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