"Are you sure this is a good idea, you know your mother hates me"
I asked Spock for the billionth time.
"I would suggest not panicking unless you would like to hear my father lecture you on Vulcan customs again"
Spock warned me as we walked to his parents home.
I held Spocks hand tighter as we arrived at their door. Spock knocked on the door, giving me one last reassuring glance as we heard footsteps coming closer to the door. I smiled politely as Amanda greeted us
"Hello Spock, ..hello y/n"
my eyes widened at her hesitation and the almost disgusted look in her eyes.
"Hello mother"
Spock greeted her first stepping into the house first.
"Hello Amanda"
I smiled warmly as we greeted each other.
"I trust you had a pleasant journey"
she ignored me and turned to Spock which caught his attention.
"It would not have been pleasant without y/n" he added a compliment to me which only seemed to disappoint her.
"Sarek is in the market he should be home shortly, I will start dinner"
she left the room quickly.
"I told you!"
I whisper shouted to him and he nodded accepting that his mother doesn't like me.
As Spock gave me a tour around his childhood home I smiled as he showed me a picture his mother took of him and his pet Sehlat a giant teddy bear, with 6 inch fangs.
"I am home Amanda!"
I recognized Sarek's voice and Spock gave me a look, despite the fact that they have repaired their relationship Spock can still get a little irritated at his father.
"I'm putting up with your mother"
I reminded him in a hushed voice.
He helped me up and we walked down the stairs I waved to Sarek and he Vulcan saluted me, to test me
"Peace and Long Life?"
He nodded
"Very good, y/n"
Sarek and I have always been on good terms since we met, Mostly because I rescued him from Vulcan assassins on my first visit.
"You're in luck my dear, I've just finished dinner"
Amanda led us into the kitchen.
I looked over at the Amanda who seemed to roll her eyes.
I gave Spock a look and he nodded I'm not a telepathic being but most of the time Spock was pretty good at guessing what I meant.
I asked as we sat down to eat, Spock sat next to me on my left, Sarek and Amanda sat opposite to us Sarek directly in front of me.
"Yes y/n?"
His eyes met mine in a state that might have scared some.
"Spock and I were wondering.."
Amanda cut me off
"Spock can speak for himself can't he?"
I sighed
"Mother we have both agreed on this topic"
Spock interjected patting my shoulder.
"We were curious if there were any homes available near by? Spock and I have agreed that we want to raise our child on Vulcan"
I smiled as the Vulcan processed my words he almost smiled, he stood up with still no emotion on his face
"I am going to be a grandfather?"
He asked clearly fighting back a smile
I nodded and he pulled me into a hug, a tight, bone crushing hug.
"Oh yes we must make preparations! There is so much to do"
all traces of his Vulcan stoic, all logical personality were gone, replaced with a very excited soon to be grandfather.
In all the excitement I turned to see Amanda with tears in her eyes.
"Amanda.. I"
I started to approach her when she ran away from me. I turned to look back at Spock and Sarek both concerned.
"I'll go"
I followed her quickly onto a balcony
"I'm sorry for how I've been treating you"
I found her standing behind the railing, looking out into the stars
"I've been treating you the way I have, because when Spock was a child he was bullied mercilessly and I couldn't do anything about it. You seemed so nice I didn't want you to have suffer the same way i did if you stayed together"
I joined her
"We can't protect our children from everything, I know that it won't be easy, Spock and I certainly can't do it on our own that's why we came back, so that our child can grow up with both of its grandparents?"
I asked the last part hoping that she will say yes, she smiled at me nodding tears streaming down her face.
"Hug it out"
i started to cry as well as she pulled me into a hug. A small cough pulled us away from the moment both of our boys were standing there with their arms open
Amanda and I separated and we didn't say a word as we jumped into our partners arms.
As Spock patted my hair he whispered in my ear
"I told you it would work"

Fanfictionjust some random Star Trek imagines mostly original series and next generation. Characters I write are Spock Kirk Data Riker McCoy/bones Q Wesley Picard Chekov Scotty Khan I DO NOT OWN STAR TREK