Captain James T. Kirk

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Tears stung in my eyes as we all stood on the bridge for the last time.
What felt like everyone's worst nightmare was happening, the enterprise was being decommissioned.
We'd been allowed an extra hour to say goodbye to the bridge before we had to go, Sulu, Scotty, and Chekov had already left, Bones, Spock, Uhura, Jim and myself remained.
I kept my hand clasped over my mouth trying to hold back sobs, the best things in my life happened on this bridge, walking away, and knowing that it could be striped for parts and put in a junkyard hurt deeply.
Now it was time to move on, Almost everyone had been promoted and the ship herself was getting old.
We were all sitting in our stations, Bones at his, a centimeter behind Jim.
I looked over Jim's shoulder and another memory came back

"Jim, why are we on the.."
I stopped talking, letting my voice trail off as Jim knelt down on one knee in front of me.
As Jim spoke, he got to the end of his speech but we were disturbed when Bones, and Spock tripped over each other in a pile in the corner. Giving away their hiding spot.
Neither of us were phased in the slightest as Jim placed a ring on my finer.

Our marriage was 6 months later, our first child 2 years later, now we had to say goodbye to the walls that kept our family safe.
"Y/n? It's time to go now"
Jim gently shook my shoulder, vaguely aware of what I was feeling.
I couldn't control it anymore, sucking in a breath and trying to speak just resulted in even louder sobs.
I relished in the feeling of Jim pulling me closer to him, not realizing how desperately I needed it.
"We'll be okay y/n, promise"
I nodded and he kissed my cheek before leading me to the door.
Looking back for the last time, it was as though all of my memories played in front of me.
I could still remember plain as day where Bones, Spock, and Jim all played with our son for the first time.
All those firsts disappearing behind a door.
Gone for good.

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