Lieutenant Commander Data

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A/n: mentions of depression Please do not read if that is a trigger for you

"Data, Can we talk? " 
I gently tapped his shoulder, pushing myself into the shadows of ten forward, my mom Doctor Crusher had no idea I was here, she was talking to someone else on the other side of the room.
"Do you want to speak in my quarters?"
He whispered, picking up that I didn't want to be seen. I nodded and he helped me through the crowds with ease
We walked through the quiet halls with almost nobody around in silence.
We walked into his quarters, the dim lights illuminating the paintings in his rooms.
He showed you to a seat on a purple couch and as I sat down he gave me a glass of water before joining me himself.
"How can I assist you?" 
He asked softly,
"Can you keep whatever I tell you between us? I don't want my mom to know"
I waited until he nodded and then I continued
"I just, I feel horrible data, I feel like such a failure"
I fell against his shoulder, he soothingly rubbed my back, patiently waiting for me to continue.
"I'm so glad that everyone's doing well with their jobs, but I just feel like I'm hitting a brick wall and I can't talk to anyone"
Data paused, moving his hand to interlock with mine.
"I'm still working on my human comfort program, but from what I've observed, your work is still the best you can deliver"
He pulled me closer, letting me curl up into his lap.
"I'm still stuck though, I'm not making any advancements like anyone else"
Letting go of my nerves, I voiced my doubts to him, realising he wouldn't judge me like anyone else would have.
"You are good at being a science officer, that is an accomplishment in itself. There is always more than 1 facet in life to excel in, just because you have yet to excel in the same fields as your family, does not mean you are a failure"
Tears stung in my eyes, hearing a genuine compliment for the first time in a long time.
"Thank you data"
He held me tightly against him for a little while longer, his fingers knitting through my hair.
"you can stay here tonight if you would like too"
I nodded and he lifted me up with ease, carrying me to his bed and crawling under the covers with me. After getting comfortable, you whispered,
"Goodnight Y/n"

I woke up to Data gently shaking me, without really thinking about it I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.
"I have come to the conclusion that it would be beneficial for us to work together, take 3 days off and improve our way of life"
Without hesitation I nodded, getting up to go get some stuff from my room.

As the days progressed, Data and I had been spending all of our time together, I realised how quickly I'd fallen for him.
A little bit of me hoped that somehow Data would be understanding about my crush.
I opened the doors to our quarters to find Data sitting on the couch, adjusting a bouquet of flowers.
"I read that nature was very beneficial for mental healing with humans"
I smiled, sitting down with him, gently playing with one of the petals on the rose in front of me.
"They compliment your beauty very well"
Data added suddenly, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.
"Thank you Data"
Standing up suddenly, I moved to the bedroom to change, feeling to flushed and frazzled to continue.
Data followed behind, leaning against the wall.
"Is something wrong data?"
Turning around, he strode across the room
"No, I'm functioning normally"
He gently placed his hands on my shoulders, slowly dragging them up to rest on my cheeks.
"New program?"
He nods, before suddenly pushing his lips against mine.
Pulling away for a moment, our eyes locked and my eyes traveled to his lips before locking them again.
He pushed me down on the bed, running his hands down to my waist hooking his fingers into my shirt, pulling in over my head.
Things were getting more intense, I barely registered the sound of the door chime.
His cold hands gently trailed down my stomach, when he suddenly jumped up, following his eye-line I followed his actions when i saw my mom standing in the doorway calling for us both.
Hastily getting dressed, we both tried to be nonchalant but i still cringed as I noticed how askew our clothes were.
"Everything alright you two?"
She asked with a suspicious smile.
"Fine yeah, we were just watching some TV"
Data nodded, wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Y/n, we need to talk... outside."
We spoke outside for a few moments, when I re-entered the room data stood up, both of his arms extended to me.
"Are you in trouble?"
I nodded, practically barrelling into his arms.
"It will be okay y/n"
"I love you data"
Holding on to Data, he stayed still, softly rubbing my back.
"I cannot feel love, but in a way I would have fulfilled my function as a lover by giving you what I can't have"
Nodding, you squeezed Data tighter.
"Thank you... for everything"

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