Commander Spock

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Spock sat down on the edge of the bed, everything was still perfectly in its place even the blankets were still perfect.

"I'm nervous do you think they'll like me?"
You paced around nervously in your quarters, Spock had just informed you that his parents were coming to the ship, as the ships science officer you had to be there to greet all of the delegates.
"You are one of the most admirable humans I have ever met, I admit your behavior can be quite illogical but you have plenty of other redeemable qualities"
Spock joined you by the door, holding onto your waist as you rested your arms on his shoulders.
"Thanks, I'm sure my other redeeming qualities will make today any easier"
You replied sarcastically, Spock raised his eyebrow
"I don't understand what you mean"
"Just shut up and kiss me yeah?"
You smiled up at him, Spock caved and quickly kissed you. It was never his preferred way to show affection.

Spock thought back to all the times he calmed your nerves before something big happened. He never once called it illogical, or acted as though you could make it stop. He'd seen how it affected you when you'd run to your quarters, crying and hyperventilating as you tried as hard you could to calm down.

"Spock, can I ask you a stupid question?"
It was almost 4 am, you were still awake, talking after a passionate night.
When your e/c eyes met his, he nodded nuzzling into your neck.
"Can we visit Vulcan? I don't mean to visit your family, we've spent so much time on my home, exploring all my old haunts. For once if you're okay with it I'd like to see some of yours"
He nodded, in a few seconds he decided to say yes only to further your bond. He was familiar with the earth sentiment of knowing someone completely before committing to something like marriage. He already had a ring picked out, perhaps Vulcan would be the best place to ask you to spend the rest of your lives together.

The ring on his finger still shined like the day he watched you put it on. From the moment he met you, he knew that marrying you was the most logical thing to do. With any other human he couldn't care less about them, but he found you almost addicting, you had an affect on him that he did not wish to control. Every time you smiled, after all the time you spent together still made his heart beat a little bit faster.

Spock walked into your new house, your daughters Varra and Haira helping him carry groceries.
Varra was a year older, she looked slightly more Vulcan than Haira, her ears were pointier, and her eyebrows were the same.
You, and Spock constantly debated who looked more like who, Haira had your hair color and your eyes, but you could very easily tell she was her fathers daughter.
After Varra was born, when you both agreed to retire from active duty. Spock came up with it first, he wanted to be an active part in their lives and with both of you at work on a starship it certainly made it more difficult to look after a kid.

Both of them were peacefully asleep, teenagers now.
Spock decided that now was probably the best time to tell them, he wasn't sure if it would ever be the right time.
He left the bedroom and went up to theirs, Quietly he knocked on the door.
"Come in dad"
Now both of them had fully developed Vulcan features, they even had the bangs to match. They were both awake reading some textbooks, Spock sat on the edge of Varras bed
"Where's mom?"
Haira asked, both of them had decided to embrace emotions but they did repress certain emotions.
"I'm sorry, but she did not recover, your baby brother was born and is well, but the pain from the wound and the trauma from birth was too much for her to recover from"
Both girls cried out, Varra hugged Spock tightly.
Haira jumped from her bed and repeated the action. For the first time tonight Spock actually let him emotion show, tears slid down his cheeks, as his girls sobbed holding on too him for dear life.
"Girls, you are aware of the Vulcan mourning tradition that a life should only be mourned if it was wasted and your mothers life was not wasted she lived a good and prosperous life"
Spock kissed both of the girls heads before Haira sat up
"Is she in the stars? Like she always promised she'd take us?"
He briefly had forgotten how much they wanted to join starfleet, you'd always told them stories of your days at starfleet and that made them so happy, you always swore you'd bring them on the enterprise with you.
"Yes she is, she'll always be in the stars when you need her"

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