" A real person from the 1990s"
I heard a female voice speak, I felt too weak to respond as I barely had a chance to recover from the war before I had to be put on a sleeper ship.
"What is you name?"
A commanding voice spoke from above me, barely able to lift my head up I could only see what looked like a man in a yellow shirt.
"My name is y/n l/n" I whispered, the easiest way to speak until I could get some water.
"Do you think her and Khan could be related some how?"
I heard a southern voice, talk to the man in the yellow shirt.
I remembered Khan, When the wars started I was on the side with the humans until I leaned what they planned to do with all of the genetically engineered people. After that I stood with my friends until we were put on a sleeper ship.
I tried to sit up a little bit more, only to be stopped by a pair of handcuffs.
"What's the meaning of this"
I couldn't help it once the coughing started, the harder I struggled the worse it got until someone shot a needle into my neck.
I laid back down, panting as I relaxed not by choice.
"You need to relax, you'll get your strength back eventually"
The man in the yellow shirt commanded, him and his friends left quietly all except for the southern man in the blue shirt.
"What... is your.. name physician?" I couldn't catch my breath as staying awake became harder.
"My name is Leonard" he smiled, and that was the last thing i saw before I went to sleep again.
"We don't have a choice"
Khan pulled me aside, I was so close to killing him before he began to plead with me, begging me to help him save his crew.
Explosions outside pulled me back into myself, the whole reason I came here in the first place.
"Khan millions of people are dead, how am I supposed to have mercy?"
I raised my gun to his head, ready to fire at any given moment.
"I know you y/n, if you were in my position you would do everything you can to save your family"
I lowered my gun, realizing he was right.
I was about to help him up when an explosion barreled through the wall.
I jolted awake, looking around I saw Leonard again, he was putting something away on the other side of the room.
"You alright over there?"
He jogged over, placing his hand on my shoulder stopping me from getting up.
"Just wait a minute alright?"
I nodded, and sat still as he ran a small metal box in front of me.
"I have to tell the captain you're awake" he down his small metal box and went to the other side of the room.
"Is the captain the one with the yellow shirt?"
He laughed at that, nodding his head.
"Medical bay to the bridge"
They spoke for a moment and I tried to get up, rubbing where the handcuffs were, I held my self up on the bed until I felt Leonard grab me and sit me back down on the bed.
"Sorry, you need to sit down for awhile yet, you'll be fine"
He comforted me, albeit awkwardly I did find his old timey ways familiar.
The man in the yellow shirt, along with two other men and a woman. one in a red shirt with a Scottish accent, and the other a Vulcan in a blue shirt, the woman was wearing a short red dress like the Scottish mans shirt. They came back in the room ready to do business it looked like.
"Can I ask you something captain?"
He looked at me, silently giving me permission to speak
"What are your names? Calling you The man in the yellow shirt is started to get annoying"
He smiled, I noticed the woman with him looking like she was about to faint.
"My name is Jim Kirk, this is Spock, he's Scotty and she's McGravers"
"Are you alright?"
She asked grabbing and feeling my arm, extremely uncomfortable I yanked my arm away from her with surprising force. She looked shocked and terrified I must admit some of my temper issues, one thing I shared with my augments shone through and felt oddly good to see someone scared of me.
She backed away from me, hiding behind the captain, who seemed totally unaffected by the situation.
"Captain, what happened to me?"
I kept my control over my temper, even though inside I was angry, grieving, and had no idea what to do.
When he finished explaining they all left me alone,
Except for the southern doctor, who was working on something on his computer.
I sat up on the edge of the bed, folding my legs over in a meditation position.
I closed my eyes and tried to relax, I was thinking about everything that I had been told when a small metal circle was pressed into my cheek.
I opened one eye and raised an eyebrow, Leonard didn't notice that I noticed him, I smiled realizing how much I have come to care for him, despite having known him only for a week and a half.
I chose not to act on my feeling in any way for now,
if I was to be put away as a criminal I didn't want to cause him any troubles.
I was laying in bed again, Leonard telling me I had to lay down for awhile to conserve my energy, even though he only allowed me to do one or two tasks around the med-bay.
Leonard came back in the med-bay by himself, holding something behind his back.
"Y/n?" He asked, as if I was busy doing something.
"Yes?" I through the blanket off me and sat up.
He pulled out a red rose from behind his back, setting it down in front of me.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
I nodded, lifting up the rose and smelling the gentle fragrance.
I set the Rose down again as Leonard lingered at the edge of the bed. He asked quietly
"Can I kiss you?" I nodded and felt his hand on the back of neck pulling me closer to him, the space closed between us and we both moved in sync until I pulled away first. He kissed my cheek, and went back to normal pretending the last 5 minutes never happened.
A few days later I was fiddling with the communicator Leonard gave me when I got a beep on the communicator, after struggling for a moment to operate it I figured out that Kirk was telling me to come to his quarters.
I left the med-bay, without Leonard trying to help me surprisingly.
I stood in front of Kirks desk, he was fiddling with some random toy when he spoke.
"How would you like to become a honorary member of the crew, we'll start you off shadowing Mr Scott"
I nodded eagerly as the captain put whatever he was holding in the drawer.
"You'll start next week"
I eagerly went to Bones and told him the news, he was a little disappointed that I wouldn't be spending more time with him, but he was happy all the same and for once I could safely say I was too

Fanfictionjust some random Star Trek imagines mostly original series and next generation. Characters I write are Spock Kirk Data Riker McCoy/bones Q Wesley Picard Chekov Scotty Khan I DO NOT OWN STAR TREK