*Dating Doctor McCoy would include*

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~~the best medical treatment ever, unless you'd done something dumb than you'd be on your own, sometimes he'd be obnoxious about it, but it was his way of showing affection. Making sure you were happy and healthy was his first priority as your partner and your doctor.

~~playful banter, a lot of random nicknames he wouldn't have a problem with PDA, you both knew exactly how to push each other buttons, a personal favorite was mocking his southern accent. He humored you only once wearing a Stetson.

~~ Since he was almost always busy in the med-bay or on an away mission, dates were few and far between. Honestly it was worth the wait when he would take you out, he made up for everything the best way he could.

~~ you and bones were the parent couple of the ship, Jim was the first person who noticed and took every opportunity to remind you of it. Every chance. Bones took on more of the traditional 'mom' role, he was a shockingly good cook, you did more cleaning than he did but he'd constantly remind you of more and more chores to do.

~~ it was about 4 and a half years before you proposed, you were laying in bed snuggling and bickering about marriage, you both wanted to get married it was more about planing etc, with all of your starfleet work marriage wasn't on either of your minds. Finally you just blurted out
"Let's Just get married in a month, if we can't figure it out than we can get married the month after that"

~~it was still 3 months until you got married, after the first week he got an idea of how to make it special for you both, Jim and Spock helped as much as they could, super happy for their best friends. It was in a barn on earth, a super tiny ceremony, but there were a lot of tears even Spock was a little... tiny bit emotional, but as much as he denies it there were a few moments where he almost, almost lost control.

~~ you couldn't have children, but you adopted a son and a daughter almost 8 years after you were married, there were so many play dates with Uncle Jim you lost count after a while. In fact Jim inspired your daughter to become a Captain herself.

~~bones was the type of person that as long as you were both happy, he'd love to grow grey and old together everything about you was perfect to him, even as you'd gotten older together both of you were still perfect.

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