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Bright white lights forced my eyes open, as my ears adjusted I could hear men and women start shouting.
A red headed woman gently placed her hand on my shoulder, helping me sit up.
"Good Morning, my name is Doctor Beverly Crusher, do you know what year it is? what your name is?"
She asked calmly, and slowly.
"Y/n L/n, and it's 2020"
She looked down almost disappointedly at her hands
"I'm so sorry but that was 347 years ago the year is 2367"
"What? No that's no right... where's my brother- he'll help me, he wouldn't-"
Another woman sat next to me on the bed, a soft concerned look on her face as well.
"Who are you?"
"I'm counselor Deanna Troi"
She explained softly, a man approached the bed as well standing next to Doctor Crusher.
"I am captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S enterprise"
"Is that where we are?"
I asked, Deanna interjected
"Yes- we're on a space ship"
"We found you adrift in space, do you know how you got here?"
Jean-Luc asked, shooting her a look.
"my brother... he put me into a cyrogenetic tube as he called. He told me it would be like a nap and when I woke up him and I would run away"
Jean-Luc nodded, he turned to doctor crusher
"When can she be moved to quarters and possibly introducing her to more crew members"
"Soon, I need to run some more tests, okay honey?"
Nodding, I adjusted a bit before giving her an unsure look as she raised a small beeping box to my forehead.


"Y/n we are going to move you to your quarters. Lieutenant Commander Data will escort you there and if you have any further questions please ask"
Beverly helped me stand, Data held my hand as I got my balance back, his yellow eyes scanned over me with a curious look.
"You are Y/n L/n?"
he asked, his voice was clear but he wasn't loud or commanding in any way.
"and you are Lieutenant Commander data?"
"You can address me as Data if you prefer, since you're not a starfleet official"
I nodded, smiling a little bit when he offered me his arm to hold.
"Is this what men of your time would have done?"
Data asked me as we walked together.
"Sure, or we could just hold hands... Would you like to know more about my time?" I asked softly
"As long as the discussion would not trouble you?"
"It's no problem Data"
Smiling, I leaned my head on his shoulder.
I gasped softly when he opened the door to what would be my quarters.
"Um data, before we do anything, since I'm about 350 years behind could you explain how this works"
Gesturing all around us, Data nods.
"Where do you want to start"
I asked, sitting down after he explained.
"I would like to understand more about human emotions, considering your experiences asking you makes the most logical sense"
"What kind of emotions data... Anger?"
Data nodded
"Anger is.. well it can be healthy like when you lose someone but sometimes it becomes to much to bear and they don't want to keep feeling angry but when they try to get rid of it they can't and it drives them to do horrible things"
I thought over my words, speaking slowly.
"Were you angry when doctor crusher told you what year it was?"
Data asked gently.
"I wasn't super angry, I was more upset than anything else"
"What upset you?"
"The fact that everyone I loved is dead and gone, every where I ever went, everyone I've ever met is gone, ash, dust in the wind"
I didn't even realise I was crying until Data stood up, I stood up, thinking Data was leaving until he pulled me into a hug even though he was cold there was still lots of comfort in that hug.
"I apologize for making you cry"
"It's okay"
Data's insignia beeped and he told me he had to go to the bridge.
The doors opened, but before he left I quickly wrapped my arms around him.
"Thank you Data"
I let go of him, letting him leave.

When I set my book down and left my room suddenly 2 people grabbed me by my hair and ear. I struggled to no avail but they were taking me to the bridge.
When we arrived they threw me on the ground I put my hands over my face in a defensive position I braced for a hard kick but a white and purple light blinded me only for a moment to reveal a man standing in front of me sending them flying back.
"Hello mortal i am Q" he boasted pulling me up, Doctor Crusher grabbed me and ordered me down to the med bay. Leaving the captain to deal with Q Beverly took me to a med table I asked her as she scanned my arm
"Who is Q"
"He can be a pain but from time to time he helps out, I'm still not sure why he protected you" Beverly answered me
" you're alright just some aches and that bruise right?"
I nodded and she helped me up again
"Why don't we go to ten forward I'll introduce you to Guinan"
Beverly and I walked together. The new room ten forward I assumed it was anyway. The room was dim not as bright as the bridge it was comfortable.
"Hello Guinan, this Y/n L/n" Beverly introduced me to the woman.
"Hello Y/n, do you want something to drink" she asked me pulling out a yellow odd shaped glass.
"Just water please" she passed the glass to me and I took a small sip. Beverly left for a moment when a person who I recognized as Q sat next to me.
"I owe you a debt of gratitude"  I spoke first taking another drink of water.
"For saving you" I nodded without permission he brushed some hair out of my face and traced over the bruise on my cheek.
"They hit you" he remarked. 
"It's not painful"
"Nothing compares to the pain you feel"
Q talked as though he was a poet.
"I don't know what you mean by that"
"I mean the pain in your heart and stomach that you have felt since you woke up I felt that from across the stars I couldn't help but check it out" He took my hand again and we vanished from the ship.
"Where are we" I asked him as I came to my senses that we're in a car.
"Your Hometown 2020, we can't stay but I thought you might want a better memory" he started driving the car down a familiar road. Turning on the radio Sabotage by the beastie boys started playing I started tapping my foot basking in the sunlight. After driving around for sometime Q stopped the car in the forest that I played in a kid.
"Y/n, normally I travel alone but would you like to travel with me"
Q asked his eyes almost scanning me over.
"I would love to"
Q pulled me by arms into a kiss, pulling away he smiled before we disappeared again.

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