Lieutenant Commander Data

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"Data will be reassigned to the USS enterprise"
My back straightened as the admiral spoke with the his usual cold tone.
"Data is the best officer I have, why is he being reassigned?"
Attempting to keep my emotions in check as he spoke
"Data requested reassignment, y/n because he stated you violated the prime directive. There was a meeting called that I could not attend. They took the ship from you y/n"
For once the admiral seemed to show a touch of emotion
I felt a number of untold emotions, I was always known to be overly passionate but that was something I'm trying to work on.
"You can go"
The admiral dismissed me, and I practically ran out of there just needing some fresh air.
"Captain? Why are you here? You do not frequent bars"
Data sat down next to me, much to my annoyance
" 'cause one of my best officers has been reassigned"
I finished my drink, the bartender just happened to be right in front of me so I just had to motion at him to grab another one.
"Captain, I did not mean to insult you, but your actions on Naktu violated the prime directive"
"I know, he let me read your report, I've lost the ship"
"Captain I did not know my actions would cause you to lose the ship" I felt a mix of drunken anger and sadness hit me like a wave
"Well cut the bull data, you're fully aware that there is a punishment for lying on a report! Especially when we saved a whole cargo ship of people, who are closer to cavemen!"
I shouted at him, I didn't care for what he had to say walking out on my own.


After a total nightmare of a year, I got the ship back and earned my place back at the captains chair.
I decided to ignore any news about the USS enterprise, except for when it's absolutely necessary.
Of course we got assigned one of the most dangerous missions yet and we had to work with the enterprise.
Each of us had created an away team and we were all on the planet.
When I saw data he looked me up and down, I looked very different from the last time we saw each other. I chose not to talk to him, opting to go speak to commander riker.
We had picked up extreme warp signals from this area along with other things that could signify an army being built. We transported into a small clearing surrounded by forests nothing looked out of place with this planet yet. I looked back for a moment seeing a small cliff with perhaps a 40 foot drop.
We separated in teams of two, I was about to go with one of my security officers when Riker stopped me.
"Could you Go with Data captain?"
I nodded trying not to look unprofessional.
We began walking in the opposite direction, he spoke first
"Captain, You got the ship back?"
He asked, keeping his voice down as we both monitored our tricoders.
I sighed, as I picked up nothing on my scanners, choosing to be professional instead of addressing the sudden awkward tension. Which was probably just me.
"Geordi told me what happened after" I looked back at him, seeing as he wasn't going to drop it, I spoke without really thinking of a proper answer
"As you said in your report, I'm an extremely emotional person so yes I acted like a child and I fought back that's how I got this" I let my hand brush against the scar that went down my cheekbone.
"Shh" I stopped dead in my tracks as bushes around us began to shake, suddenly warriors began to exit the bushes with giant weapons at the ready to attack.
"Run!" I grabbed Data's hand without thinking pulling him back with me, the grunting of the warriors behind us and the fact that I could hear our feet thudding against the forest floor somehow adding to the drama of the moment.
Of course we must've taken a wrong turn somewhere as when we could see the clearing I recognized we were on that cliff I saw earlier, the other side now the drop seemed like it 100 feet high.
"Jump! Jump! Jump!" I yelled, if we weren't being chased by 10 guys with giant weapons I would've stopped to find another way down. Not everything always goes my way so I charged ahead, Data grabbed my hand tighter as we both flew through the air until he made his graceful landing and I landed on my legs, I could feel them break along with my ribs.
2 of my security officers lifted me up and turned me on my back, without thinking they very harshly flipped me over and I screamed in agony.
"Just a mild sedative, should put you...."
I didn't hear the rest of his sentence as I fell asleep.


We had docked on a starbase a few days after my accident, I was laying in my hospital bed not doing anything, there's nothing to do for entertainment except talk to your doctor.
"May I come in?"
I recognized the voice instantly, I couldn't think of a good excuse for him not to come in time so I nodded.
Data sat down on the chair in the corner of the room.
"How is your recovery going?"
I was trying to sit up, I hadn't eaten yet today and my arms were shaking like crazy.
"I got you" Data helped me sit up, unsure of how I feel about it I stayed silent as he held me up adjusting everything for me.
"Thank you"
I laid back down and he moved his chair a little closer
"Y/n, when we ran together on the cliff you made sure I was at your side the whole time why?"
He skipped straight to the point
"I wasn't going to abandon you"
He thought about what I said before asking
"Do you forgive me?"
For once I was at a loss for words totally unsure of what to say I opened my mouth to speak,
"I.. dont know yet, I've spent so long trying to forget and move on from what happened I haven't given a thought to forgiveness"
He stayed silent for an uncomfortable amount of time
"I have found myself.. missing your leadership, as I have grown with the crew of the enterprise I began to understand your way of captaining. Using a 21st century phrase you helped me grow in ways so that I could function at my best on the enterprise. That is something I will always be in debt to you for, goodbye y/n"
He got up to leave and I remembered how much I cared for Data, I remember just how much his words could change my mind back in the day.
"Wait a second"
My strength returned to my arms and I sat all the way up again.
"Data, Im sorry I shouldn't have gotten so angry at you in the first place"
He shut the door but didn't move
"I think we were both in the wrong data" He sat down again, this time on the edge of the bed
"You are right y/n"
He looked down at the floor, I reached out and gently brushed my hand against his arm
"Stay with me?" He nodded, standing up for a moment he quickly sat down before laying down in the bed with me.
Data intertwined his hand with mine as he turned over to face me.
For a moment a year of trying to forget him, getting angry, and ignoring him were forgotten as we laid down next to each other.

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