Khan Noonien Singh

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I sat there terrified as I watched Khan move from person to person, I wanted to run and help Jim but incurring Khans wrath was not something I wanted to do today.
He stomped over to me, petrified I looked up to meet his icy gaze he held it for a moment before turning to Carol. My sigh of relief was cut short when He broke her leg, and crushed Admiral Marcus' skull.
I didn't dare move or speak, listening intently to every word that was spoken.
"After all a ship should not go down without her captain"
Khan kept his usual villainous tone up and he transported the others away, when I wasn't going with them I stood up and was about to speak when the ship was violently thrown forward.
Khan caught himself on the navigation console, I didn't get knocked out when I fell but I could feel the giant gash in my forehead.
"Confirm destination" the computers voice rang out, seemingly the only thing on the ship that wasn't broken yet.
"Starfleet Headquarters!" He screamed
"Confirm order"
"Confirm" he grabbed my wrist and buckled me into the captains chair. He climbed on top of me trying to protect me from the fall. I tried not to scream when we came into contact with the water I couldn't see what was happening around us, all I could hear was the screams of the people below us.
"It should be safe now, hold on to me and do not let go for anything"
Khan spoke as soon as we stopped, I unbuckled myself and he grabbed both my arms and pulling me onto his back like a piggyback ride.
When he began to jump down I felt my hands hold onto him tighter as we fell further down
"Come on" his voice still calm and completely unaffected by the chaos around us he grabbed my hand and we began to walk away he grabbed a silver coat and slid it on.
"I need to go back to the enterprise"
I tried to pull away from his grip but he didn't even seemed phased.
"You're not going anywhere"
We both turned around after he spoke seeing Spock land he tried to run away but to try and help Spock I planted in place and tried everything to slow him down which worked a little bit.
"Come on Spock"

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