Commander Spock

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Spock and I ate dinner in our quarters, last week everyone had gone on shore leave, as Spocks wife I decided to stay with him on board.
With almost everyone gone, it gave Spock and I plenty of time to actually be a more 'traditional' couple, with our schedules and the demanding work required of the both of us, the most time we would get in private together was a few moments in the morning when Spock would come and wake me up, he always said he did it to try and make up for the lack of time we got together.
After we finished dinner Spock was cleaning dishes, I was putting away our leftovers when Spock spoke
"Tomorrow, when the others return shall we try to have dinner again? However there is a rather large chance the captain will give me too many tasks to complete within the day"
I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head against his back
"We can try, I'm sure Jim probably has a list of tasks as long as the enterprise"
Spock turned around, copying my actions he rested his head on top of mine, pressing a kiss to my forehead I smiled up at him.
"Than we should try to use all the time we have left to our benefit, right?"
"That seems most logical"
Spock leaned down, pressing his lips to mine, a gentle kiss quickly turned more passionate pulling away for a second Spocks hands glided down under my thighs, lifting me up and setting me on the counter on the other side of the room standing between my legs, he pressed kisses down my neck, I was so engrossed in the moment I failed to notice the door open, I was swiftly brought back to reality when Bones and Jim appeared at the doorway
They both started laughing as Spock pulled away from me, practically gliding back toward the sink.
"So that's why you wanted to stay here so badly"
Jim chuckled, patting my shoulder as I hopped down, I rolled my eyes as they both made themselves comfortable.
"Admit Spock, you weren't being logical I wanna see what kind of excuse your Vulcan logic can come up with"
Bones scoffed, he smugly crossed his arms and smirked so sure he bested Spock for once
"On the contrary doctor, I was simply showing my.. appreciation for my wife's cooking"
Bones sighed before going over and grabbing 4 glasses
"Well we only came in here to share a drink with the two of you, since you both refused to come with us"
Bones expertly poured all four glasses on his own he barely even looked down to see what he was doing.
"You didn't even spill any"
I remarked as I grabbed a glass off the table
"Darlin' I'm a doctor, if I can't pour 4 glasses than I shouldn't be in the field"
I chuckled, waiting for everyone to raise their glass, I spoke first
"To good health, and no grey hair"
"Amen sister"
Bones clinked his glass against mine first before he almost downed the whole thing.
Jim smiled, repeating Bones
"And too a long and prosperous marriage"
Spock clinked his glass against mine last, I smiled up at him as I could see the way his cheeks were still tinted green.

A week later

I sat down in the chair, in the transporter room acting on instructions from Jim, all he said was to wait here.
A few more minutes went by, before the door opened and in walked Jim, Spock, and Bones and two suitcases behind them.
"I'm sending you two on an away mission, it could take almost a month for the two of you to get what we need so I made sure Spock packed bags for the both of you"
Jim announced, as Bones set down both of the suitcases on transporter pads behind us.
"Alright captain, this sounds like a lot of information are you sure it should be just the two of us"
I asked, looking over at Spock who seemed just as clueless as myself.
"Of course I'm sure, you're my best two officers"
Bones huffed in frustration before hopping off the pad.
"Alright captain"
Spock and I both took our places on the transporter pad, I gave Jim one unsure look before he waved goodbye, and commanded
As we both reappeared, looking around we appeared to be in a very fancy looking bedroom.
Opening my mouth to speak, I looked down as a piece of paper appeared in my hand

"Sorry for interrupting you two last time, enjoy love birds     Jim"

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