Lieutenant Commander Worf

417 13 16

A/N: MissRavenclaw07 Thank you for my first request!

I paced around my quarters, after being confined to my quarters for something I didn't do, Worf was the only one who cared to visit.
Today, Worf was busy so I had nothing to do, at least nothing I could do.
4 years ago when I was assigned to the enterprise, Worf and I instantly made a connection, on my first away mission Worf and I worked together and spent a lot of time getting to know each other.
Shockingly the Klingon reciprocated, setting a specific time during the day for us to visit, in his own words
"So that you can feel like you have a friend"
Now I'd been accused of stealing files from the computer, it seemed as though the only two who knew the truth were myself and Worf.
Worf burst in the door, clearly he'd been running down the hallway.
"I apologize y/n, but the captain has requested you for to join us at the trial"
I nodded and smiled as he led me to the trial room, upon entering out of Reflex I grabbed worf's hand and he told me where to sit.
Sitting down, I did as I was told waiting with baited breath as Captain Picard began to speak.
"My security officer has found sufficient evidence to prove the innocence of Lieutenant Commander Y/n"
Jean-luc concluded his speech, when an older woman spoke up
"How are we sure that this 'sufficient' evidence was not created by Commander Worf to protect the woman he loves? His compassion for the woman is clearly not hidden"
Unable to hide my expression I felt my eyes go wide as Worf turned away from me, Jean-Luc and this woman practically went to war.
While I was trying to listen, My eyes traveled to the other side of the room, finding another Klingon glaring at me in the corner.
I immediately turned away, upon hearing a low growl from both Klingons.
After what the woman said, my feelings felt concrete towards Worf, ever since the beginning of last year I'd begun to see him in a different light but it just seemed easier not to say anything.
Finally they agreed to take a break and Worf had to usher both of us back to our quarters.
No one spoke for 5 minutes before the other Klingon started speaking to Worf in Klingon, thinking I couldn't understand.
"chaH puS nuvpu'bogh nuvpu' "
Worf didn't respond but I could see his jaw clench, and he started gripping my arm tighter.
"bIqengtaHvIS bIQamtaHvIS bIQamtaHvIS"
Keeping his silence, I was about ready to slap him from how tightly he was holding my arm.
Finally we'd gotten to the other Klingons room, he tried one last time
"bISuvtaHvIS qa' quv!"
Worf let go of me, practically shoving me out of the door we'd just barely stepped into.
I could hear something thudding and after one final slam against the wall Worf came out.
Helping me up off the floor, Worf didn't speak at all until we were stood in the doorway of my quarters.
"I apologize for my behavior today y/n, about what the admiral said early today I.. do care about you quite deeply but I wouldn't let it affect this trial"
I opened my mouth to respond, about to say that I feel the same way but his communicator beeped and suddenly the quiet hallway started to bustle with people.
"jIlegh vIneH"
I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, backing away so the door shut.

chaH puS nuvpu'bogh nuvpu'= "i know powerful people in the empire"
bIqengtaHvIS bIQamtaHvIS bIQamtaHvIS= "I could help you get back your honor, away from this human scum"
bISuvtaHvIS qa' quv! "You'd really sacrifice your honor for her!"
jIlegh vIneH "I feel the same way"

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