Lieutenant Commander Data

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A/n: Mentions of anxiety, and a small breakdown towards the end please don't read if that is a trigger for you.

"A hug is something you give someone when they're sad and upset and when they need you the most"
I explained to Data who started asking me about hugs.
I could probably use a hug myself, the stress of going to the academy was really starting to hit me.
The constant thought that I was going to fail or mess up never ended my mom who was on the ship helped me but I was still just scared.
"I should probably get back to my mom" I spoke after another hour of conversation.
"Goodnight y/n" Data nodded to me as I left, a sad feeling in the pit of my stomach as I walked away.
I tossed and turned that night 4 more days until I leave, I was excited but still the fears that I wouldn't be able to make friends, that people would make fun of me, those fears were eating me up.
I knew I shouldn't bother Data during the night shift but I need to talk to him. I got up, adjusting my Tee-shirt as I went pulling on my shoes. I snuck past my moms room, cringing as the door slid open loudly but still I couldn't hear any movement so I tip toed out the door.
Once I was in the clear I started to run down the hall as my thoughts turned from not waking my mother to panicking about the academy out of some instinct I found myself running to Data's room not the bridge where he would actually be.
By chance he was just returning to his quarters upon seeing my state, gasping for breath, and with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. He jogged over to me putting an arm around my back gently pushing me into his quarters.
"Are you alright y/n?" I shook my head no as I sat down pulling my knees close to my neck as I let out a sob
"What if everyone hates me at the academy? What if they think I'm too weird or something" I asked Data through sobs and shaky breaths.
I watched him wrap his arms around my legs and my back and pull me into his chest
"No one will hate you y/n, there might be some bumps and it might not always be easy but you will always come out on the other side, a hug is what you give someone when they need you the most.. i believe you need me the most"
He pulled me tighter into a hug and I felt a sense of calm wash over me, a calm I hadn't felt since I was told I got into to the academy.
"Thank you Data.. thank you"

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