Commander William T. Riker

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I couldn't help but jump up and down as I exited the ship, for the first time in 6 years I was on an actual planet with real gravity, there was new people around and I could actually feel the fresh-air.
I smiled as my crew mates passed by me, they shared the excitement I felt, some were crying tears of joy seeing their families who had gathered outside, when we were outside I shook hands and smiled warmly at every family member that approached me, mostly just thanking me for getting them back safely.
I tried to be as kind and courteous as I could, I couldn't help but feel a ping of sadness weigh in my heart as I looked around trying to find a friend or a family member, before I left I vividly remember standing in the docking bay as I am now, Will telling me about how he was going to be commander on the USS enterprise.
When we were finally able to make contact with anyone, I was told that the enterprise crew had docked here for sometime on shore leave.
After I said goodbye to my last crew mate and her family, I looked around finding no one else left.
Sighing I adjusted my uniform as I approached the door to leave, putting on a happy face I was again greeted by nothing except for a few random people in passing.
I decided to walk around for a little bit before looking for somewhere to stay.
I randomly decided to ask around for if anyone knew where Will Riker is staying, I got one response that sounded credible which leads me to walking up the steps of some hotel.
After a few quick questions the hotel gave me his room number, and pointed out where I should go.
I stood in front of the door, thinking about what to say until a semi-familiar face opened the door.
The Frenchmen pulled me into a hug and was about to say something when I heard Wills voice
"Picard can you come here a minute?"
I waited patiently by the door until Picard came back
"Sorry about That, perhaps we should take a walk?"
I felt my patience go out the window but keeping it together was something I trained for in the academy.
"Does Will not know I came back?"
I spoke first, determined for answers
"He does, that's why I was visiting him in the first place"
I listened as Jean-Luc explained
"When you disappeared, it broke Will in two, at least I believe it did. He stopped showing it after a while I'm sorry y/n, he's adamant you don't see him"
"It's been 6 years I want to see my best friend" I replied in a firm tone, I've had plenty of time to practice.
"I'm sorry"
For the first time in a long time I fully indulged into my emotions
"You know I'm finally home again, after doing everything in my power to make sure 900 other people got home to their families, losing 140 of those people in the process and one of my reasons for getting home safe can't even look me in the eye"
Jean-Luc stayed with me for a few more minutes before letting me go find somewhere to stay.


"You just got back and you're already antsy to leave again?"
Admiral Regan asked me, I was sitting on the other side of his desk. He wanted to check up on me, something about emotional stress he said.
"It's like an addiction sir, I have no reason to stop going so what's the point?"
Will and I still haven't spoken, which was beginning to offend me, I fully understand that he isn't emotionally ready yet but in the past week I have had more contact with my crew-mates who I figured would hate the sight of me, then I have with my best friend since childhood.
"You might have to wait a little longer, we're giving the crew another month on earth before we give you another mission. You're one of the best captains we have y/n, but we both know that a starship crew needs a break"
"Yes sir, thank you I'm sure they would appreciate it greatly"
We talked for a little while longer before I began my wait for a new mission.


My wait for a new assignment didn't seem to last long as I was told what happened and what I needed to do, the romulans made an incursion on a starbase and we needed to check it out.
"Good to see you again, Orson" I smiled at my commander as he joined my stride to the shuttle bay.
"Nice to see you as well captain"
We made small talk, well he mostly talked about the Elossian women he meant well visiting Elos.
Even though sometimes his conversation topics were extremely inappropriate for us to be talking about, especially as a captain and a commander. Orson was one of those people that was able to make you forget about all your problems.
Most of my problems were forgotten to, except for when I heard his voice
I turned around to see Will standing a few feet behind me, as he approached me I couldn't think of what to say. He pretty much said everything for me when he pulled me into a hug
"I'm sorry I waited this long, I'm so so sorry" he whispered, his voice cracking
"It's alright, all I wanted was to see my best friend"
He nodded and spoke in the same broken tone again
"I thought I would never see you again, you promised you'd come home quickly"
"I still kept my promise that I'd come home didn't I?" I pulled him into another hug, relishing in the feeling of seeing my best friend.
"I'm sorry to cut this emotional moment short Captain, but the shuttle is ready to leave"
Orson interrupted, and I smiled nodding my head before turning back to Will.
"Sorry, I have to go again" I kissed his cheek before jogging to catch up with Orson
"Of course, you're always the first one to leave and I'm the last one to see you"

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