Commander Spock

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A/n: The reader suffers a majorly traumatic accident, a lot of it is the majority of the chapter and the ending mentions certain effects of PTSD, please do not read if any of that is a trigger for you.

Forcing your eyes open, you moved your fingers, the feeling returning to your limbs, except for your legs.
The strength in your arms was barely there, but slowly you turned, letting out a shocked groan, almost a scream of fear as you saw the giant piece of wall crushing you to the floor.
"Y/n, is anyone there?"
"Im here, guh I'm-I'm here"
The world was still spinning, and you felt the metallic taste of blood fill your mouth. There was a pole within arms reach, the voice that had woken you still spoke but you reached for the pole.
"Happened- can't.. find- search"
It finally clicked that the communicator was malfunctioning, but you couldn't stop to try and reach it. The pole was sturdy enough, inch by agonizing inch you pulled yourself forward until only below your knees was trapped.
Pressing your face into the cool metal of the wall, you struggled to breath, but you saw the communicator on the table just that hairs distant out of your grip.
There was one last resort you could think of, and it wasn't going to feel particularly good.
Throwing your arm forward, your chin hit the table but you had the communicator.
"Lieutenant l/n to the bridge- Anyone please, respond, please"
Resting on your arm brought some comfort to your aching head.
Eventually, you heard a voice again, garbled but you recognized the intonation of Spock's deep voice.
"Y/n we can't target your location but we can send a landing party down, can you send coordinates"
"I can't, I don't know where I am, it's all been destroyed, Spock- my legs, they've been crushed I can't feel them"
"Alright y/n, Bones will be traveling with us, we'll be there before sundown, just hang on"
Turning it off, you found enough wiggle room to flip over, the sun blinded you for a minute before you let out a blood curdling shriek.
Next to you, lay another bloody mangled body You couldn't recognize and as you looked around you saw more and more.

"Lieutenant we need to go"
Johnny stood opposite you on the street, both of you struggled to open your communicators. People passed by you and thought nothing of it.
There was a loud bang in the sky, and you recognized the sound of a laser being fired.
Grabbing his arm, more people started to run and scream panic over-taking you as you tried to keep ahead of the crowd.
There was a thunderous crash, and nothing.

More hours passed, until you heard the pounding of feet but you realized quickly it wasn't your friends.
You closed your eyes and held your breath, there was some shouting in an alien language before you felt the cool metal of a gun pressing into your temple.
Your eyes shot open when the alien above you let out a groan, before flashing yellow and collapsing.
You couldn't see anything, but you heard the fighting until a certain southern doctor appeared over you.
"You look like hell y/n"
"G-good to see you too doctor"
He pressed a hypo spray to your neck and suddenly you felt the sweet relief of sleep.

When you woke up again, both of your legs were in casts and you had to spend the next month in the med-bay which went by surprisingly fast.
Spock basically forced you into another week off, despite your own protests.
He'd been spending a lot more time with you, frankly you had started to take notice of the little things he'd do, he was prone to staring at your lips when you spoke, or little touches that made the heat rush to your cheeks.
Part of you wanted to just take the risk, but most of you thought he was doing it just to be nice.

It was early in the morning, and you were stretching your legs again, inspecting some of your cuts and bruises.
Sleeping had been difficult, having to tell Johnnys family what happened continued to play over again on your mind.
The screams, the crashing, over and over again, until you hadn't realized your leg was locking up again in pain.
Spock who was also up, had come to check on you arrived as you were in the middle of an episode, he had tried to call your name before he sped across the room trying to catch you before you crashed into the floor.
Spock gently rubbed circles along your leg, letting you rest on his shoulder as you came back to the world, pain starting to fade from your leg.
Standing up, He let you lean on him as you limped towards your room.
"Y/n, I must ask for your forgiveness, I've acted very illogically- I realized in the act of almost loosing you, I love you more than anything"
Sitting down on the edge of your bed, your hands rested on his shoulders, his hand cupped your cheek before letting his thumb brush over your lip, the emotions of the moment overwhelmed you and acting instinctively, you closed the gap between you both, crashing your lips to his, he froze briefly before melting to you.
"I love you too idiot- I wish I had told you sooner"
"We have forever- always"

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