Commander Spock

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Coming into our quarters, I crashed down on the couch lying all the way out, as Spock lifted my head up, sat down and rested my head in his lap.
"I'm so tired Spock"
I sat up and snuggled into him, resting my head on his shoulder. I'd been feeling so sick lately and after work this was the only thing I wanted
Spock and I knew each other before coming to the academy, him and his family were visiting earth for a little bit on a vacation when we met.
Some kids were picking on me, I barely even remember what happened except for Spock coming over and making them leave me alone.
After that and for the rest of his trip we would hang out and I would show him around, I remember Amanda inviting me over and the way she gushed about the fact that her son made a friend. I tried so hard not to smile at the way Spock blushed at his obvious embarrassment.
Sarek was a little cold, Amanda reassured me he was glad that I was around, she also mentioned that she thought Spock liked me just because he liked showing off too someone, he's still hasn't answered me every time I bring it up.
He came to earth 2 more times before our friendship became more than that.
I'd come over for dinner, Amanda and Sarek were cooking dinner and Spock and I were outside, we were sitting on the swings when Spock suddenly stopped as I came to a stop, I turned and gently pushed myself to the side knocking him in the process.
"Whats up Spock? You've seemed sad ever since you got here"
"Sad is an illogical emotion y/n"
"Tell me the truth then Spock, you've been upset ever since you got here"
He played along, every once and a while bumping his swing against mine.
"The truth is, I have been considering applying to starfleet academy"
"That's a good thing isn't it? We can go to school together if we both get in"
He pauses
"Yes, but I fear my families reaction, my father has always wanted me to follow in his footsteps"
"Fear is an illogical emotion Spock, if you believe that starfleet is the best option than you should join up, I'll be with you every step of the way"
When I smiled at him Spock looked away, he bumped into me again
"You are correct... y/n there is a Vulcan custom I wish to teach you"
I turned to him and he started explaining
"Have you noticed that my mother and father don't hold hands in the typical way humans do?"
"Yeah, I just thought Vulcans do things differently"
"We do, holding hands on Vulcan is equivalent to a human kiss, reserved for couples behind closed doors"
Spock held his hand out to me, I smiled before I took it gently rubbing his knuckles, as his face flushed bright green.
Now in the present day, every once and a while I'd walk over to Spocks station and as he explained his findings to me I out of reflex would place my hand on top of his, he'd stutter for a second before he'd turn his hand over and would hold mine.
Little things like that is something I found so comforting, sitting on our couch I held onto Spock tighter, feeling so glad to have this Vulcan in my life.
"Relax, my love to use an old earth phrase, you've certainly had a hard days work"
I laughed, Spock pressed a kiss against my forehead.
"Spock I have something else to tell you"
I sat up slightly
"I went to the med-bay earlier today... Spock I'm pregnant"
I couldn't think of the right way to word it, bluntly putting I watched as Spock processed it I almost jumped back in surprise when he grinned over at me.
"I love you so much y/n, I am.. glad that you are going to be the mother of my child"
He pulled me into a hug
"Spock are you alright? You never smile"
"I am perfectly alright, simply the thought of our lives together, how much better my life is for meeting you, my wife, the mother of my child, my best friend. It simply overcame the emotional blocks I have put up"
I smiled before he gently pushed my head forward our lips moving in sync. Pulling away Spock whispered
"Now I must insist you rest"
Spock gently pushed me down, he was still on top of me, supporting his weight on the arm rest.
"I can think of a few ways you could help me rest"
I winked playfully, before Spock whispered nuzzling into my neck
"I love you so much y/n"
"I love you so much more Spock"

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