*Christmas special*

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Christmas Day on the enterprise was always special, the lights in the hallway would transition to Christmas colors, the air tasted of cinnamon and peppermint.
For all of us Christmas was the one day where everyone just shut up and was happy to see each other.
I walked hand in hand with my husband bones, and my brother Jim down the hallways this year Jim had encouraged everyone to decorate the outside of their rooms with whatever they wanted.
We were laughing about something random when Spock passed by us
"Bones? Are you seeing what im seeing"
"Sweet mother of god"
Spock was going about his daily activities wearing an oversized Santa hat.
I smiled when he approached us
"Merry Christmas Y/n"
Spock eyed the other two before he also wished them a merry Christmas.
"We're decorating cookies later, wanna come?"
I asked, ignoring Bones elbow digging into my side.
"I am not busy, I will be there see you later y/n"
I nodded as we all parted ways, Spock going back to his daily activities, Bones going to the med-bay, and I followed my brother to the bridge.


I welcomed everyone into our quarters, sitting around talking, and drinking as the cookies baked
I got up to go get more drinks when conveniently the cookies timer went off, so everybody got up and shuffled into the kitchen.
I was midway through decorating mine when bones took his knife and smeared frosting down the front of my face. I laughed, oh I laughed as I plotted revenge.
For about another four minutes, I didn't do anything except load up a cookie with all of the frosting and sprinkles, as much as I possibly could and waited for the ample opportunity to strike.
Bones was talking about something that happened during their time at the academy when I smashed the cookie into his forehead and dragged it down his face.
"Oh it's on!"
We were play fighting, when a cookie with a lot of frosting on it missed Bones and smacked Jim in the face.
"You're so dead!"
He retaliated, and for the rest of the night we all got into the most extreme food fight that the federation might have ever seen.
We all shared a laugh at the looks we received as we said Goodnight to everyone, they each walked out covered in various degrees of Christmas Cookies.
Bones finished talking to Jim on his way out, I was already half way done cleaning up when he picked up the last piece of garbage
"Let me get that"
He threw that away before picking me up, I laughed loudly as I tried to get down again.
"Merry Christmas!"
I shouted, a bit drunkenly
"Merry Christmas y/n"

A/n: Happy Holidays everybody!

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