Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy

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I wheezed painfully as I laid out on the med-table, a white blanket pulled over my arms.
Doctor McCoy was running a scan over me, suddenly the wheezing turned into trying to get my breath back
"Dammit y/n! You need to take it slow"
He injected a hypo-spray into my neck and I coughed for a second and I went back to a low wheeze.
"I'm.. Sorry Doc.." my voice was a hushed, struggling whisper.
"Just take it easy darlin' you're putting to much stress on yourself"
Doctor McCoy went back to running a scan over my lungs and I went back to thinking, thinking up stories was all I could do since I couldn't talk.
Once it all started I found my self falling for the southern doctor, he probably couldn't careless about me.
The whole reason I was stuck in the med-bay in the first place was on my first away-mission, as a historian away missions weren't something I went to often so when I was asked I jumped at the first opportunity.
On my first away mission I was on my own, examining a dead animal carcass nothing looked out of the ordinary, mistakenly I touched a bone with my bare hands when it burned my hand I pulled away quickly, I didn't try to pick it up again but recorded my findings.
As the day turned into night my finger tips began to burn on both hands, breathing became difficult but it wasn't something I thought of as something I needed to take care of.
The transporter seemed to set off the effects even worse, when we were back on the transporter pad I collapsed from the pain, my finger tips were on fire, and it felt like my lungs were being crushed.
Doctor McCoy told me that I'll recover but it's a long and slow process. There was a nurse in the med-bay who was tending to someone else, the ship was bumping around slowly at first, but then a sudden hit threw me off the table. Apparently Leonard just happened to see this and ran over to me, I was coughing and struggling on the floor until he picked me up, gently setting me back down before strapping me onto the table.
"It's alright, There's a stray Klingon war-bird trying to attack the enterprise"
I clung onto the table and he again injected something into my neck.
"Should put you straight to sleep" I passed out quickly.


When I woke up again, I was still in the med-bay all the pain had pretty much subsided and I even saw Bones in the corner of the room
"Good, You're up" he smiled at me before helping me sit up.
"Glad to be awake"
I rubbed my eyes and took my surroundings again, nothing had changed, and there was only 4 nurses in the med-bay and they were on the other side of the room.
"You should be able to be up and moving by tomorrow" he finished up a report and then he sat down at the edge of the bed
"You didn't miss much, you were only out for 3 days everyone misses you though"
I nodded and sat up further
"I was also wondering if when you're up and running again If you would like to go on a date with me?"
I smiled as I felt the blush rush to my cheeks
"I would love too" I leaned forward again and kissed his cheek
"Well it's official, you're my favourite patient"

A/n: I'm thinking of doing Star Trek gif imagines, Is that something you guys would want to read? And just general thoughts on the subject would be highly appreciated

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