Commander William T. Riker

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A/n: oDIVAo requested this, I hope you enjoy! Also I apologize for how long it took for me to write it out.

Drumming my fingers against my console, some people were changing shifts, so nothing was really happening.
Worf growled from behind me,
"Stop drumming Lieutenant"
He stormed off, and I sighed trying not to pay any attention.
Will came up from behind me, draping his arm over my shoulder.
"I'm sorry y/n, maybe I could make it up to you with dinner later?"
I smiled and we arranged to meet up in an hour or so.
Will left, and I turned around to be greeted by Deanna angrily staring at me.
When I joined the enterprise, Will and I became fast friends, and I knew I loved him but that didn't sit well with the resident counsellor.
Soon I noticed some of my other crew mates, like Worf and Geordi started treating me cruelly, it didn't take long before I realised like a Highschool movie, Deanna was turning them against me, but I had friends like Data, and Picard, and Beverly, people I could talk to.
I finally arrived in ten forward to see Deanna in one corner with a few others glaring at me. Coincidentally my friends also happened to be in Ten forward, where I was going to think about how I wanted to tell Will I love him.
We were all chatting when Data turned to me.
"Y/n, what is your opinion on Commander Riker?"
Data asked, catching the attention of the others at the table.
"You know my opinions of him, why do you ask"
"Last night, the captain pointed out how aesthetically pleasing you and commander Riker would look"
"Us? Oh please"
I threw my head back laughing,


Across the room, Will also wanted to have a quick drink before having dinner, thinking up how he wanted to tell you how much he loves you.
"Is y/n single?"
Will asked quietly, not wishing to get anyone else's attention except Guinan.
"Yes, why?"
Before he could respond, he turned around to see you and the others laughing about something.
"No reason"
He mumbled, distracted by seeing you so happy, Wills heart soared
He took a sip of his drink, and looked up to see Guinan realise the truth
"You're in love with y/n?"
Guinan practically screamed at Will, His eyes widened as he turned slowly to seeing everyone in ten forward staring up at the two of them.
When he turned to face you, he could clearly see that you heard him.
Unintentionally your mouth was agape in surprise, frozen for a few seconds before you rushed up and speedily walked towards him.
It took a few seconds before conversations between different people continued but you were vaguely aware of both parties staring at you.
"What was that about?"
You asked gently, not wanting to cause any more attention to be drawn to you both.
"I'd hoped we could do this in a more private setting"
He grabbed both of your hands and interlocked your fingers.
"I wanted to tell you over dinner but I'm in love with you y/n, and I have been since the day I first met you"
Even though he knew you were not that type of person he still leaned over and took one last gulp of his drink, terrified he turn back and see your disgusted face and how venomously you'd reject him.
Instead he turned around to he greeted by your warm smile, and you responding with
"I wanted to tell you that exact same thing"
He leaned forward and kissed you, except your momentary bliss was interrupted by Deanna angrily storming out of the room, and applause by your group of friends.

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