Captain James T. Kirk

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I ran into the med-bay, skillfully jumping over the table until I tucked and rolled under Bones desk.
I covered my mouth with my hand when the door opened.
Jim snuck around quietly, he practically threw himself over each of the beds.
I could hear him getting closer, when the door opened again.
"Are you out of your corn-fed mind!"
Bones hauled Jim to his feet, smacking his shoulder
"Y/n and I were playing hide and seek"
I shifted slightly, listening intently
"I know you love the girl, but please don't break my med-bay"
I shot up from behind the desk, almost shouting
"You love me?"
I noticed him blushing wildly before Bones barked
"Not in here, if you're going to get all lovey-dovey do it in your quarters!"
He ushered us out, I looked over at Jim who was a stuttering, blushing mess.
He finally got out
"Let's Go to my quarters"
I smiled, taking his hand, mostly just to see if I could make him more nervous, he definitely starting sweating as we approached his quarters.
"Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen, like that"
He walked behind his shelf pulling out a very bright colored bottle. He poured himself a drink and downed in seconds.
"You've been spending to much time with Scotty haven't you?"
He brushed me off, taking another chug straight from the bottle
"I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship, and I value you as a crew member and I hope you could at least stay on for the sake of the enterprise"
He blurted out at once, his voice getting higher as he reached the end, I could see his eyes scanning over me for any type of reaction.
"Jim, I'm staying on the ship regardless but I really think you should listen to what I have to say next"
I paused, taking 1 step closer
"What do you have to say"
He looked down, fiddling with his thumbs
"Are you listening to me?"
Another step closer
Two steps
"Are you sure you're listening"
Three steps
"I'm listening now what is it!"
He shouted, an adorable look of realization dawned on him as I placed my hands on either side of his shoulders.
"S..sorry-sorry what did you want to say?"
"I.. "
I got cut off as the communicator in the room started going off.
"You were saying?"
Jim asked, leaning down he pulled off his shoe and threw it at the wall, it took a second but the beeping stopped.
"I love you so much"
I smiled, he looked so relived he could cry as he pushed his lips against mine.
Still completely attached to this kiss, I barely registered the communicator beeping on the wall.
When Jim noticed he went over to it and with a heavy sigh asked
"What is it"
You both heard suppressed laughter before Scotty came on
"It's nothing cap'n"

A/n: I can't believe that this book is at 42k reads, thank you all so much for reading and just enjoying what I do.
Live Long And Prosper

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