"How are studies Wesley?"
I asked the young ensign as we sat in ten forward.
"I'm working on a project with quantum mechanics" I smiled at the teenager, his face lit up, happily.
"How about your little commander crush?" Wesley teased back, somehow with perfect timing the Commander himself walked in, going to order a drink. Wesley and I burst out laughing, taking notice of this Riker sauntered over
"Mind if I join you two wheezing clowns"
Riker pulled up a chair, I regained composure first
"Of-of course Commander"
I straightened out completely, wiping the grin off my face. Wesley looking between me and Riker.
"Sorry commander but I must finish studying" He excused himself barely able to keep a straight face. He made a bee-line for the door, giggling the whole way.
Riker got his drink, after an awkwardly long pause of silence he spoke.
"so, y/n how is it as Worfs protégé?"
"As Good as it gets being a klingons second in command... the training regime"
I shuddered and Riker smiled.
"How was that away mission to XTH 34"
"nothing to eventful- you should've heard Worf scream at a plant though"
I softly laughed, our conversation continued to flow naturally as did the drinks.
My eyes wandered to the door accidentally, catching a glimpse of my ex walking through the door.
Looking away fast, you knew he had to of seen you, Will took notice of your quick mood change putting his hand over yours reassuringly he whispered
"Who's he?"
"My cheating, sorry excuse of an ex"
He was still at the bar, but you caught him scanning the room no doubt looking for some poor woman to harass.
"Shit, he's coming over"
He had a big grin on his face as he approached you, before Will stood up and completely blocked him, conveniently elbowing him in the crotch in the process.
"I think we're needed on the bridge don't you?"
Holding his hand out to you, you took it gladly leaving your ex in a groaning pile on the floor.
"Thank you Will"
"Anytime y/n"
A combination of the drinks, your overwhelming feelings for the man, and a surge of confidence led you to pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
At first you pulled away, terrified that you'd just ruined a great friendship, but when Will smirked your heart nearly skipped a beat when he returned the kiss.
Pulling away, Will rested his forehead on yours, whispering softly.
"How about my room instead of the bridge?"

Fanfictionjust some random Star Trek imagines mostly original series and next generation. Characters I write are Spock Kirk Data Riker McCoy/bones Q Wesley Picard Chekov Scotty Khan I DO NOT OWN STAR TREK