Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy

638 23 13

I sauntered into the med-bay, Jim sitting in the corner taking a breather after his physical.
"Say, wanna make bones mad?"
I asked the captain going over to the replicator
Jim replied with no hesitation, I replicated 2 apples and tossed him the other one.
Bones came out of his office and I leaned on Jim's shoulder, taking obnoxiously loud bites from my Apple, Jim copied my actions
"What are you two doing now?"
"You know that old saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away"
I tossed him my apple, he caught it I almost jumped from the sudden smack, I instantly regretted my choices as Bones eyes went wide, and a certain glazed look over came him.
Calmly, he took a breath turned and went back into his office, in seconds he grabbed a hypospray and charged at us like he was wielding a knife.
I instinctively grabbed Jim's hand and we ran away from him leaving the med-bay.
"In here, quick"
Jim pushed me into a room and we quickly locked the door.
"We had to move all the old ensigns who use to sleep here out, I think we'll be safe in here"


"Captains log. Star date I don't know anymore, for the past 6 hours Bones wife Lieutenant Y/n and I have been stuck in ensigns quarters, Spock has been trying to keep him off our tail but the doctor is closing in, we severely underestimated how strong an aggravated bones is, he has the power to decommission both of us for days, if he catches us with his hyposprays"
Jim and I sat together as he recorded his logs, He added the perfect dramatic touch to it, he went on to describe a few other things before signing off.
"Let's throw a Hail Mary Jim, maybe if we go for the bridge he'll back off"
I suggested, Jim thought for a second before he nodded quickly, standing up I went to the door first and as Jim opened it, he hid slightly in case of surprise attack, I nodded when I didn't see anything.
A sudden and tight tension filled the air as we both picked up speed going down the hallway.
I pushed Jim back when I saw bones, I could tell he heard us as Jim and I pressed ourselves into the wall, a shadow just barely hiding us.
Bones walked in front of us, a hypo locked and ready.
We both slowly inched towards the corner before turning and sprinting away. Neither of us looked back as an angry southern voice screamed
"Get your dumb-asses back here!"
Jim and I were both screaming,
"Oh god! No please!"
But we got to the turbolift first, it was like a horror movie when Bones got to the end of the hall and sprinted down the hall. The turbo lift was on our side and closed just before he arrived.
Finally when we got to the bridge, Jim took over the chair and he smiled up at me
"That was a dangerous game but that was hilarious"
I smiled back, I jumped back ten feet when the doors opened revealing Bones with 2 hypos in his hands and a band around his chest full of them.
"You can't do anything to us here! Too many witnesses"
I quickly pointed out all of the people on the bridge, regardless Bones lifted me over his shoulder, sack of potatoes style.
I tried to get down but he didn't let go until I recognized the floor of our quarters.
"Bones I'm sorry please put me down"
He dropped me on the bed, he pinned my wrists above my head easily.
"And I thought you wanted your friendly neighborhood doctor to go away"
Bones muttered, injecting a hypo into my neck I felt the sleepy affects kick in, in seconds I felt my eyelids getting heavier.
"I swear I'm off apples for good"
I tried to laugh but all that came out was a tired chuckle.
"I love you, you beautiful idiot"
"Love you too"

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